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16th (Service) Battalion (Chatsworth Rifles)


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I've been trying to find out what happened to Private Harry Caukill 32475 of 16th (Service) Battalion (Chatsworth Rifles). He died in Belgium on 30th July 1917 and is buried at Duhallow ADS Cemetary.

I've found that his battalion was part of the 117th Brigade and took part in The Battle of Pilckem Ridge 31/07/17-02/08/17 - but his death pre dates the battle.

I've been trying to look into the history of the battalion to try to piece together Harry's time with them.

His service record (such as it is) doesn't shed any light, and we believe any other records may have been destroyed in a fire in WWII.

Any help would be vastly appreciated!


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The battalion would have moved up to the front on the evening of 30th and the German's had been plastering the area for some time. They knew that an attack was coming but not when.

Medal Roll show that he only served with 16th battalion. The man with number 32469 and also 16th Bn enlisted 17/11/1915. Harry would have gone to France after 1st Jan 1916 as his medal index card shows BWM and VM.

This thread may help - http://1914-1918.invisionzone.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=202513&hl=

http://www.ypressalient.co.uk/CWGC%20Pages/Duhallow%20Ads%20Cemetery.htm pic of Duhallow (I have others somewhere!)

Steve M

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Thanks for your help Steve.

I'll check out the links you've given me! I have a picture of Harry's grave. My family and I are hoping to visit it next year.

I think if I can somehow find the history of the battalion, it might help answer some questions.

In the meantime, if you think of anything else, that would be great!


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Private Harry Cankill, born Goole,enlisted Newark, no.32475, killed F. and F. 30/7/1917,The history of this Battalion covers this action {night of the 30th} in about 2 pages with a small map, it also has some details of the individual companies involved

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Get a copy of Joffrey's War, edited by John Bourne and the late Bob Bushaway - this was his battalion and this gives an in depth account of his time. Am half way through it now, so not got to Pilkem Ridge yet, sorry...!


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barkalotloudly - thanks for the confirmation that the battalion history covers this period. Would it be possible to trouble you for copy of the 2 pages/map in question? My father and I would be ever so grateful! If not, perhaps you could point me in the right direction, as I was under the impression it was rather hard to come by?

redbarcetta - I had looked into Joffreys War - thanks for the recommendation, I will get myself a copy!

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