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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

4th Battalion Yorkshire Regiment


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I am researching Pte Thomas Abrams, No 35003, who died at Langensalza, Germany in May 1918 whilst a POW. He was buried at Niederzwehren Cemetery, Kassel, Hessen, German, and I'm trying to find out under what circumstances he was taken prisoner. I have his medal card but his service record has not survived.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Hi Peter

You seem to have the date wrong for Pte 35003 T Abrams death

He died as a prisoner of war on the 8th November 1918, just three days before the armistice

He was most likely to have been captured sometime during the German Spring Offensive of March 1918 - onwards

I suggest you have a look at Bill Danbys 4th Bn website

which will give you a rundown of the events of 1918 from the war diary


regards Ray

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You are right, I got a little mixed up there. He was taken prisoner in May 1918 according to one source which came from his brother.

Thanks for the link Ray. I shall have a good read of that.



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