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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

W. B. Worsfold DCM


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Hello all,

I am doing some research into a Walter Bernard Worsfold who was awarded a DCM in 1914 and was sadly KIA in 1916. He is listed on the Ludgershall War Memorial which is where my interest lies but as yet can't find a link between him and Ludgershall. I noticed there is a Worsfold family living in Ludgershall in 1911 but Walter was not (as far as I am aware).

Any help would be appreciated, Don

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I am doing some research into a Walter Bernard Worsfold who was awarded a DCM in 1914 and was sadly KIA in 1916. He is listed on the Ludgershall War Memorial which is where my interest lies but as yet can't find a link between him and Ludgershall. I noticed there is a Worsfold family living in Ludgershall in 1911 but Walter was not (as far as I am aware).


The family you've found in Ludgershall in the 1911 census are Walter's father and four siblings. In the 1901 census the family (including Walter) are in Petersfield, Hampshire so obviously moved to Ludgershall sometime in between.

Walter's not with the family in the 1911 census because he'd enlisted into the Devons and was at Higher Barracks, Exeter.



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Address is simply given as High Street, Ludgershall. Father's occupation is a watch & clock repairer.


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I am glad you said that as it's confirmed what I hoped it would be, the Worsfolds lived and operated their business from my house! I also have a photo of who I now know as William Worsfold standing at the shops front door (my house!)

How amazing, now begins a serious amount of research for the centenary.

All the very best, Don.

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