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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Flowers on War Memorials


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This may have been covered already somewhere on the Forum, but does anyone agree with me that more of our war memorials should have plenty of flowers on them - especially in the summertime. After all, it is the custom to have flowers on our families graves.

I attach a photo of one in particular that impressed me in August this year, it looked even better in the flesh so to speak.

Perhaps someone wants to have a guess at the location on this armistice evening?

We will Remember Them - BillyH.


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Give or take 400 miles or so!

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Agree flowers are nice and there should be more but who will be responsible and pay for them?

400 miles away so possibly Scotland and looks like Aberlour war memorial

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Aberlour it is.

And if a small town like that can afford flowers so can everyone else.

I spoke to the man who was watering them and he considered it a privilege to be doing it.


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I agree, looks wonderful and shows that peoples thoughts are there all year round and not just on the 11th of the 11th.

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These are cultivated growing plants. They look nice in their own right, but their effect is enhanced by their symbolism on a War Memorial.

It is also nice if people lay bunches of cut flowers as and when the spirit moves them, any day of the year, but for Pete's sake TAKE THE WRAPPING OFF.

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