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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum


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My apologies, I know that this subject has cropped up several times, however I would like to try and bring all my queries together in one post. I'll try and keep this as punchy as possible.

I have just received a transcript of the effects records of my GGF from the NAM. His widow was paid £1 15s 10d plus a £5 'War Gratuity'. I have the following questions…
  1. As a Private in the Infantry, I believe he would have been paid approximately 1s a day?
  2. Presumably the sum awarded to his widow was the balance of his pay, plus any 'deferments'? If so, what percentage typically might have been deferred by the army?
  3. What adjustments might have been made to his pay i.e. anything he may be obligated to pay for during his service, general deductions, additional payments awarded to him etc.
  4. How was the War Gratuity calculated? (it doesn't appear to have been a standard amount?) This was separate to a pension award?
  5. How often would a man be paid?
  6. How would he send money home to his dependents? I presume he would fill out an army form - collected at a PO by his wife?
  7. I have read of a 'separation allowance' payable to spouses - would his wife be eligible for any other payments during his service (he had 3 children).
If any pals have any army forms, pay book examples or any other details to illustrate any of the above I would be really interested to see them.
Many thanks in advance.
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Hello Tom,

I don't have the answers to any of your questions unfortunately, though I will be very interested to see what people say. By way of a comparison, perhaps you might be interested in the effects details of my Great Uncle Freddie Drew.

Freddie went missing on 8th Sept 1918. The 'account date' for the credit is given as Sept 1919, at which point his widow received a 'War Gratuity' of £12 pounds 10s. The date of authority is then given as 3/1/1920 in which his widow received £17 7s 2d. He was a Rifleman in the 9th London Regiment.

I am not certain, but I believe his widow remarried in September of 1920. I am not sure how, if at all, this would have affected the allowance. He had one son.

I hope this is of help to you,


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Thanks Chris,

Quite a difference in payments. I neglected to say that my GGF was only in service in France from March to September 1916 in the 4th Londons. For how long did your G Uncle serve, and what rank was he?



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It is quite a difference. I wonder if there was any way that a soldier did not have to necessarily draw his money, and thus it would have accumulated. I seem to remember reading that this did happen, though I'm not certain.

He was a Rifleman (Private), so I suppose his pay would have been the same as your Great grandfather.

He was a stretcher bearer, at least towards the end of his service. He landed in France on 8th February 1917 and since he was killed in September 1918, he was in France for 1 year & 7 months.



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