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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Looking for a quote


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Hello all. Long time no post but I have an interesting question.

I remember only part of a quote that I assumed came from WWI.

An officer makes a comment and a CSM (or RSM) replies "aye sir, they can answer no more" OR WORDS TO THIS EFFECT.

I have spent the better part of an afternoon looking for this quote/comment.

I can not find out what the officer said.....

Can anyone help me out in this?


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google ?

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Sniper, I have in mind a remark but can't locate the exact reference, so I can only hope to move your request along by jogging other peoples memories.

I think the script of O!WALW had Haig asking "Where are the Sherwood Foresters?" to which a staff officer replied, "They are lying in No Mans Land sir, and most of them will never rise again."

I have a vague recollection of the question having been actually posed by Rawlinson, and the exchange being recorded in the SF regimental history.

The answer is there, somewhere, in one of those books taunting me from the shelves . . . .

I laid off responding for a day or so due to my lack of certainty, and in hope that somebody would give you a precise answer.

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I think this might be what you are looking for, the Territorial Battalions of the Sherwood Foresters. At the 2nd Battle of Artois, in spring 1915, there was an exchange between General Sir Henry Rawlinson and Brigadier Reginald Oxley. Rawlinson said "This is most unsatisfactory, where are the Sherwood Foresters? Where are the East Lancashire Regiment out on the right?"
Oxley replied "They are lying out in No-Man's Land, sir, and most of them will never stand again." BRONNO. :poppy:

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Robert Graves in 'Goodbye to all that.',p131 ,Penguin edition gives an account from an officer of 'C' Company of his R.W.F. battalion of his experience taking his platoon forward at Loos '


Nobody stirred.

He shouted "You bloody cowards, are you leaving me to go on alone?"

His platoon- sergeant, groaning with a broken shoulder, gasped:"Not cowards,sir. Willing enough.But they're all f-ing dead."'


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The sergeant appears to be quoting the King James bible (as sergeants frequently do) Job chapter 32 verse 15 "They are dismayed and answer no more; Words escape them" referring to Job's comforters

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