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basic help need on theatre of war

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Donald Ambrose Shephard lists on his NZ WW2 Military file that he served with the "BEF 29th Machine Gun Battn" for period of "2 years"

He was born in Nov 1898 so this would infer that he served 1917 - 1918. He was wounded at one point in the shoulder - he had a bullet wound.

However on the Long Long Trail there seems to be only 29th MG Company.

Is this that same?

As I am trying to locate where he would have served.

Thanks in advance for your time in this matter - Roger


MGC Battalions took their enumeration from the division to which they were attached. The companies in the battalion were then numbered as per the brigade within the division that they were allocated to.

If in 29 Bn MGC, then your man would have been attached to 29 Div, and would have been in 86, 87 or 88 Machine Gun Company (those numbers relating to the brigades in 29 Div.)

If he was in 29 Coy MGC, then that means he would have been attached to 29 Brigade which was part of 10 (Irish) Div - and so his MGC Battalion would have been 10 Bn MGC.


The 10th Division Served at Gallipoli and Salonika, according to the Long Long Trail the 29tth Machine Gun comapany were indeed attached to the 29th Brigade, they were formed on the 10th May 1916 and left to move to 10th MG Battalion on the 7th of May 1918.


Almost forgot, 10th Division moved to Palestine in September 1917.


excellent thanks guy.

the MGC are very hard to follow, but it looks like he was probably with the 29th Division, otherwise I guess he would have listed 10th MG Battn.

Thanks Roger

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