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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

MIC abbreviation Class "L" A.R.


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I have located a work colleague's great grandfather's MIC. It has a note I've never seen before and I wonder if someone could tell me what Class "L" A.R. might mean. It appears opposite the "Action Taken" box



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Are you sure it's an 'L' and not a 'Z' ?

I don't believe there was a Class 'L' Army Reserve but there was a Class 'Z'.

From the LLT mothersite.........

Class Z Reserve was authorised by an Army Order of 3 December 1918. There were fears that Germany would not accept the terms of any peace treaty, and therefore the British Government decided it would be wise to be able to quickly recall trained men in the eventuality of the resumption of hostilities. Soldiers who were being demobilised, particularly those who had agreed to serve "for the duration", were at first posted to Class Z. They returned to civilian life but with an obligation to return if called upon. The Z Reserve was abolished on 31 March 1920.


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On further inspection it is a Z but with a loop and curl at the bottom making it more like an L.

Thanks for the replies lads, my WWI knowledge expands yet again.


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