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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Private Frederick Burkett


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Hi all forum members,

Currently researching a private 13124 Frederick Burkitt, joined 7th Lincolns 24/09/14. Later on at some point he transferred to the Leics Regiment with a number of 52118. His medel index card lists both numbers.

Can anyone inform me of the Lincolns movements, why he would transfer to another regiment and why 2 numbers on his card, surely this would only serve to confuse wouldn't it.



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51 Brigade of 17 Division:


A frequently seen reason for Regiment change is because of wounds or sickness of sufficient effect to cause withdrawal from unit for treatment and recuperation. Once returned to fitness the soldier is then posted to the next needy Regiment.

Your subject did not enter a war zone until 1916 so he would have been in a replacement draft at some time as they were first in France in 1915. The 7 Lincoln's were in at the start of the 1916 Somme battles. You will need to see if he has any papers surviving.

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why 2 numbers on his card, surely this would only serve to confuse wouldn't it.



Garry - numbers at that time were not "Army" numbers as now, but "Regimental", so when he moved from the Lincolns to the Leicesters he would have been issued with a different number. It's very common; if he had been a territorial he may well have had two numbers in one regiment as the TF were re-numbered in 1916.

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Just spotted this.........

The MIC that came up when I did a search was for the Leicestershires' only.

Looks like he had two MIC's......not an unusual occurrence.

It doesn't mention the entry into the Lincolnshires. No listing of a Lincs number........????

Under 'Fred Burkitt' and 'Leices Regt.', the details show his Leic R number, 24/09/1915 as date of enlistment, date of discharge due to wounds, 13/03/1919. He ended up a Corporal.

He was awarded the Silver War Badge, too. Badge No.202909.

His army number 13124 was issued to the 7th in a large batch of men who were destined for the 7th Lincs. The Medal Rolls show this, though, because his MIC indicates affiliation to the Leicesters', he is missing from the Lincs Medal Rolls.....because he is included on the Leicesters'. If you get my drift.

Because the Infantry administative district was the same (i.e. Lichfield in the Lincs/Leices cases) the numbering sequences often ran along side each other.

This means a similar number would have been issued to a Lincolnshire recruit at the same time, or there abouts.

This No.52118 was a late 1917 (May onwards) issue number in the Lincolns', and would possibly been the same time of issue with the Leicesters'.


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