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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Help Please - Effect of MSA 1 on Single TF Soldiers


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The first Military Service Act removed the Home Service option for single Territorials. I have read somewhere that this meant that all would have had to take the IS obligation by 2 March 1916; if they didn't done so then officers would be forced to resign and soldiers would be discharged, thus rendering them all liable for conscription.

This would have caused administrative chaos and so far I have been unable to find any evidence of it actually happening. So my questions are:

  • does anyone have any evidence of large numbers of single TF soldiers, or indeed any single TF soldiers, taking the IS obligation between 27 January and 2 March 1916?
  • does anyone have any evidence of single HS only TF soldiers being discharged after 2 March 1916?
  • have I missed a relevant administrative instruction?

Grateful for any help! To find single TF(HS) soldiers discharged in March 1916 and then conscripted would be gold dust!

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A similar question came up not long since - there was a lot of debate in parliament about and it seems that there were different actions taken by different units.

The intention appears to be that men would be retained in the army unless they applied for and were granted an exemption or they otherwise fell outside of the MSA 1916. Some units retained men whereas other units released their men.


I've not come across many men T.F. who were discharged in 1916 (based on my study of the 6th DLI)


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