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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Pvt J Martin - 2/4th Somerset Light Infantry


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HI Chaps,

Its been a long time since Ive posted on here and hope those that remember this old soldier are well.

I have an interesting conondrum and wondered if anyone could shed any light on it.

It involves the following Soldier:-

Private J (John ?) Martin. 202426, 2/4th Somerset Light Infantry. Died 05/09/1918.

The conundrum is that the CWGC have him attached to the Royal Engineers and buried in Mendinghem Military Cemetery, X.E.13. Whilst SDGW has the same man dying in India.

Can anyone shed any light ?



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Hi James,

It is John Martin on his medal card, and the 2/4th Somerset L.I. were in F&F at that time.

An odd one as you say, but I think it will just simply be an error regarding India by SDGW.

He must surely be buried in Mendingham.


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Hi Billy,

Yes I guess that you are right, and that is what I suspect. After all surely a body doesn't lie..... or does it ??



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Well, I suppose it does in a manner of speaking?


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