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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Western Front + CWGC


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Has anyone heard anything to the effect that the Western Front has been declared a War Cemetery by the CWGC and if so what are the details?

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Where it came from is not important. If I was able to be more precise I would have been.

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Mr Google does not seem to have heard of it... apart from in this thread.

Nothing on the CWGC website either.

Do reveal your sources!



PS. I do recall that the Belgians have some new rules about the digging up of bones (specifically the photographing of them)? Maybe that's what morphed into your information?

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Wouldn't have thought that the CWGC would have any sort of jurisdiction over any areas in France and Belgium other than the perpetually granted cemetery land - though they may have some sort of formal rights/responsibilities in respect of remains once found and established to be British or colonial.

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Not heard anything nor do I expect to.

Same here. To be honest I'd be quite shocked (and very disappointed) if the CWGC were ever to put such a narrow minded and arrogant claim forward!


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Is it so hard to call them Australians!

No wonder so many people don't like asking questions on here.

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Is it so hard to call them Australians!



So hard to call WHO Australians?

I must be missing something here because I'm certainly getting lost on this thread now!


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So hard to call WHO Australians?

I must be missing something here because I'm certainly getting lost on this thread now!


Ditto - though I am interested to hear what, precisely, is being talked about.

The "WHO Australians ?" cant be the CWGC because the CWGC isn't an Australian organisation. Nor does the Commission have any power to declare any part of any sovereign state to be a cemetery, - or anything else come to that.

Appears to be a complete non-story.


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Am I missing something here, if so please can someone explain what all this is about. By the way the answer from me to the original question is No, I hope this helps

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Steady all. I have to suspect that someone has mis-heard or misunderstood a comment, and repeated it as if it were a statement of fact to fedelmar. Such errors happen everyday, and anywhere on the globe.

I'm sure that the question has been answered in between the diversions, so am closing this topic.

Keith Roberts

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