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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Named Medals


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Hi all forum members,

A colleague at work today asked if I knew of people who sell named medals, his interest lies in his wives grandfathers medals being lost. I guess what he's asking is are there collectors out there who aquire and then sell on a mans ww1 medals.

Any thoughts anyone.



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lots of dealers out there as well as collectors

worth googling medal news as could put an ad in their magazine to try to find them

or ask on the british medal forum

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There are many Collectors, Specialist Dealers and Auction houses involved in the trade of named British Medals. Many Collectors have set themes ie specific Regiments/Corps; specific Wars or Battles etc etc.

I don't know how many Great War Forum Members are Medal Collectors, but there will be quite a number here. There are also specialist Forums such as http://www.britishmedalforum.com

If your friend is looking for a Family Member's medals, then post the name and details on this and the British Medal Forum. They may turn up.


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i have been searching for medals named to the Viner family for a few years now whilst buying, researching and selling medals. It's always a long shot, but use the forums and websites above to search. i also have a post on here


good luck searching for them.

what are the details of the soldier you are searching for by the way?

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