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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Lighting - in tanks and for night work


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I'm trying to find out about lighting in a couple of different conditions.

Firstly, I'm interested in lighting in interiors of tanks, specifically earlier models. I know there were viewing slits to look out and I have found a photo on the internet of a small light scavenged from a damaged tank though model unknown nor proliferation of these lights. I wonder whether tank crews may have worked using torches etc. I appreciate that vision would have bee limited by fumes aswell though I would be grateful to anybody who may be able to err, shed any light on this for me!!

I'm also interested to know how working parties, specifically engineers laying explosives for bridge blasts etc, may have worked at night. Would they have just had to have worked by the light of the moon? were ther perhaps shaded or black out style lamps?

I have found examples of dry cell officers torches and candle lanterns but little else.

Any help much appreciated,


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