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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

War Diary Freebee?

old sparky

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I downloaded 9 Devons War Diary from National Archives and got 2 Gordons as well! Does this happen often?


Peter B

Edited by Alan Curragh
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It does - if you're really lucky you can get three!

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I think you get whatever is in the original cardboard box. As Mike says, that's usually whatever made up the brigade (although I think brigade HQ and non-infantry units are usually in another box).

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I am always pleasantly surprised when downloading a war diary for a specific battalion to find it generally includes other units within that battalion's brigade.

The best example to date is WO95/1730. My particular interest was the 2nd Lincs. However a unit in 25 Infy. Bgde. 7th Div. was 13th London, the Kensingtons. That TF. unit included the complete muster roll for the Battalion at the time it was embodied, and also notes completed by an officer of the battalion to be used as a regimental history after the war. The war diaries even included the period that the Kensingtons had left 7th div. and returned to one of the London divisions.

Tony P.

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Please remember that War Diary images are copyright - and to offer them to other members is against forum rules


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Please remember that War Diary images are copyright - and to offer them to other members is against forum rules

If that's the case there are a great many threads that need to be removed, including the Master List of War Diaries that has been so prominently featured on the forum where members have been invited over a long period of time to let others know what diaries they have so that they can be shared.


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I think Alan may mean images downloaded from the NA or Ancestry are copyright to those organisations, rather than images photographed by pals from the diaries themselves?



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Images are always subject to copyright of TNA whether or not you've taken them yourself. For instance, if I submit a database to FindMyPast to go online, any images accompanying that database that I've taken of documents remain TNA 'property', and the company putting them online has to pay royalties to TNA. Even if documents have not been digitised, you still can't take your own photos and then use them in print or on the web without permission, other than in transcription.


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