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I have popped back periodically over the last 4 years to see how things were going and as time has progressed interest naturally will fade in those posts we all took an interest at the time.

I always did wonder why having had some much extensive research done in the Bavarian archives for the records of the RIR 16th regiment that faced the Australians and which produced spectacular results, why there appeared to be imbalance in the research into the RIR 17th Regiment that faced the British and in particular the 2/7th Warwicks.

I have had a quick look again at one point I raised 4 years ago into a posting I made in the Fournes and Totenliste post.

QUOTE (CarltonLM @ Nov 16 2009, 09:23 PM)

Further on [in the book] there is another reference to Lt Lunceschloss giving an order treat the dead with respect. I think the critical quote is a Brigade order on 24th July saying that any English dead in and behind the trenches are not to be taken to Fournes, but buried in a suitable place between the support lines and the 2nd line position.

i would be really interested to know if contact could be made with the Bavarian Archives to see what records they have for 17th RIR regiment around this order, (clearly quoted in a book about the battle).

There must be some thing there, I just think not enough investigation has been done on the primary German records (17th RIR) about the eventual fate of those 2/7th Warwicks killed.



There's ofcourse the website of the Bavarian State Archives (in English, yes!)


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