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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Class P


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I have a man that was awarded a SWB and was placed into Class 'P' A reserve.Can anyone please explain what would happen to him being in this class and reserve. Any help will be appreciated.

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Class P Reserve and Class P(T) were introduced by the same Army Order 355/16. These classes consisted of men - ‘whose services are deemed to be temporarily of more value to the country in civil life rather than in the Army’- and who were not lower than medical grade C iii - and as a result of having served in the Army or TF would, if discharged, be eligible for a pension on the grounds of disability or length of service. Men in Classes P and P(T) were, for the purposes of pay, allowances, gratuity and pension, treated as if they been discharged on the date of their transfer to Class P or P(T). Other terms and conditions were as for Class W.

Authorisation was given in early December 1918 for all classes of the P and W reserves (with the exception of conscientious objectors in the latter case) to be discharged forthwith, irrespective of their original terms of engagement.


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