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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Bois Grenier Trench Map 1917


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I am looking for a section of trench map for the above area, to compare with that obtained of a sketch map from a war diary. The area is Bois Grenier for the period February 1917, the British line including Park Plow Ave. on left; to Cromballot, right, with Bois Grenier closer to Cromballot.

The corresponding area for the axis line is Kiwi Ro., left; and White City right.



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Can I second Hati; this exact map has been on my wishlist for researching Wilf Toman who was killed on the 2nd May 1917 in the vicinity of Kiwi St. Much appreciated.


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Hello Sajakr

I wonder if you, or another could help me, please.

I am working on tracing my Grandfathers path through the war. He was in 1st Battalion Otago Regiment (10th Coy) and joined his Company in the Bois-Grenier Sector in Feb 1917 -the area covered by the map you posted.

From the Battalion Diary, Operation Orders instructed the Battalion to enter and exit the Front and Subsidary trenches via Shaftesbury Avenue, Park Row and Tramway Avenue. I can see Shaftesbury Ave and a Tramline Avenue, but not Tramway Avenue or Park Row. Are you able to see if these two are nearby, please.



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Park Row Avenue is the next communication trench to the north of Tramline Avenue.

I guess someone didn't know his tramlines from his tramways!


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I'm sure that Sajakr will correct me if I'm wrong but from my paper equivalent of the map he posted Tramline Avenue is the communication trench running into Kiwi Street and Park Row Avenue is the next one north just off the map above. The map I'm looking at is September 1918 but conforms to the one Sajakr posted. There is a communication trench called Breastwork Tramway a bit further north and I think I might have seen Tramline Avenue referred to as Tramway. As I mentioned my interest is the same set of trenches who were occupied by the 2/10th Liverpool Scottish probably after your grandfather's unit. I'm also researching a Kiwi Sgt. of the 2nd Auckland who was killed on 21st February in the area immediately south of the map, an area called Hudsons Bay. I've checked on that map and can't see a Tramway Avenue. I'll have a look through stuff to see if I can confirm; I'm wondering if the Kiwi boys called it Tramway and the Liverpool Scots called it Tramline. Paul has just confirmed the names at least.


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NMP lists the following:

Shaftesbury Ave I19c, 25a,b,d, 26c, 32a

Tramline Ave I19a, 26a

Park Row Ave I20a,c,d

Breastwork I14b, 15a,c,d

Tramway Ave – not listed (Although NMP known to have omissions)

Map posted Sept 1918




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Hello Pete

Thanks for your comments. Re your interest in the above trenches and the 2/10th Liverpool Scottish, this is from the Battalion Diary when they were ordered to leave the area (and they didn't return).

It may be of some interest to you.




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Hello Sajackr

Many thanks for the map. Very helpful, but has now raised a few queries which I will post shortly.



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Does anyone know the position of the Bois-Grenier Sector in Feb 1917?

I believe that its southern boundary was along the River Lys / Shaftesbury Avenue (I32.1 Pensam Post), but I don't know where it became the Armentieres Sector.



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