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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

A Poem for the Centenary


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I get frustrated

the more I learn

about the first world war

Those stories of good men

in trenches

chill me to the core !

The waste, the waste !

the medics cried

as death took more and more

Seldom rich

starved and thin

the best of Britain's poor

The leeches

or the frostbite

a choice to make men sore

The Whizz Bangs

and the Bertha guns

shake the ground and roar

The officers

dream of estates

and hunting wild boar

The giddy heights

of pilots

flying above the floor

The executed


not above the law

How could the men

surviving the Somme

pursue some future encore !

All knew the dead

none missed out

together in rapport

Asked now to go

to fight

I'd show the man the door !

If Tommy

won a fight at all

he made us ask 'what for ?'

I get frustrated

the more I hear

about the 'great, great war'

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A time capsule buried beneath a village memorial was recently opened up. One of the items therein was of interest in this context :

Oh God our help in ages past

Protect us from another wave

Of trite anachronistic tripe

Was it for this our lives we gave?


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Well done, Jack. 10/10 for content. 7/10 for fitting the words to the tune. Overall comment: promising, but could do better.

Mr Leonard - keep learning.

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clearly a mistake to post this poem, humble apologies to all

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Frankly Peter, anyone who posts ANYTHING they've written onto the forum deserves a medal for bravery, so I'll award you the beer and bar in the virtual drinking establishment called Skindles. :thumbsup:

(Non-alcoholic versions of this award are available)

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Twas not me, rather a younger member of my family who is 'learning' about the subject from a long distance.

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Their poem is approaching 100 views in less than two days, so they can be rightly proud of that - jibes from some quarters is something all poets must learn to accept, but cannot let it stop them writing more.


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  • Admin

jibes from some quarters is something all poets must learn to accept, but cannot let it stop them writing more.

OK I admit to a chuckle at the response, but it was ever thus, apparently once in the Army Edward Thomas disguised his poems as prose so his fellow officers wouldn't think he was another poet!


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I've heard about this new Botox thing.

Injecting poison - what could possibly go wrong?

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Injecting poison - what could possibly go wrong?

I've heard about this new Botox thing.

Then there is the dermabrasion thing which would make Ian's chin all nice and smooth.


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Strange, as when you posted the same poem in 2008, you appeared to say that it was your own work .... http://1914-1918.invisionzone.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=104747

Yes, as he says "much younger". I would NEVER have the courage to write ANYTHING that would expose myself to the grey wolves of the GWF!

Coward Hazel

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