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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Buried at Martinsart


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Albert Victor Pettitt 56774, is a name on our local memorial but he doesn't appear to have lived here as a youngster. He was in the 18th Battalion Lancashire Fusiliers who seemed to have merged with the 17th. Can anyone give any info about the engagements on or around 1st June 1918. Thanks

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He was killed in action at Aveluy Wood. On Wednesday 29 May 1918 his battalion (18th) moved into reserve positions north of Bouzincourt and at 3.25am on the morning of his death his battalion attacked the woods. The western edge of the wood was taken fairly quickly and by 5am the battalion had taken its final objective, the south west corner.

High ground to the south of the wood had not been taken and the Germans used this position to machine gun the battalion’s gains and made communication by runner between the forward troops and headquarters almost impossible. The Regimental History states

“Attempts to carry on visual signalling failed as practically all the signallers in the front line had been hit.”

At noon the Germans counter attacked the woods and by the use of bombing parties forced the survivors from the woods. Casualties of 2 officers and 18 other ranks killed, 7 officers and 144 other ranks wounded and 1 officer and 48 other ranks missing were taken.

The War Diary merely records,

“1 June 1918 - Battalion takes part in an attack on Aveluy Wood. Objectives reached but unable to be held. Captain W.S. Morris and 2nd Lt. Thompson killed in action.

Battalion relieved by the 19th Durham Light Infantry and 17th Royal Scots.”



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Thanks so much again Graeme.

I am trying to put together pen portraits of the men who's names are on the village Memorial in time for the publication of our village newsletter. I am no Military Historian, but I am fed up with going to the Remembrance service at the Memorial and the church service afterwards and hearing the words "We WILL Remember Them", when nobody knows a thing about the brave chaps who died and those who made it home with physical and psychological wounds. I hope to be able to do similar for those who did return and are on the Roll of Honour for the 2014 Remembrance.


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