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Pte 27894 James Lewin Dove, 2/4th, 9th & 1/5th Leicesters

anthony osborne

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Morning all,

I am fortunate enough to have his service record which shows James had quite a lively time whilst serving with the Leicesters being wounded 3 times and receiving field punishment no. 1 for 7 days after being absent from parade before finally being killed in action on 29th September 1918 aged 27 whilst serving with 1/5th.

James was the son of George (a retired police sergeant) and Ann Dove of West Haddon and was married to Emma of Gold Overton, Rutland.

Prior to enlisting in 11.12.15, James worked as a labourer.

His 2 brothers were regulars prior to the outbreak of the war; Frank Dove 2nd Northants was severely wounded at Aubers Ridge and George who whilst serving with A.S.C. was mentioned in despatches (both survived).

I am after some detail about James' service with the 2/4th and 9th Leicesters please - in particular around the times he was wounded - so any diary extracts would be much appreciated if anyone is able to help?

The dates I am interested in are as follows:

9th Leicesters.

Joined battn in the field 26.8.16

Gun shot wound left wrist 31.9.16 - evacuated home.

Re-joined battn 8.10.16 but was sent to 23 General Hospital still suffering from same wound.

Multiple wounds in the back 31.3.17. Evacuated to St Lukes War Hospital, Halifax

2/4th Leicesters.

Posted 2/4th Leicesters 21.9.17

Fractured left foot 21.12.17 - evacuated to 1st Australian General Hospital before being sent to Northend General Hospital, Lincoln.

1/5th Leicesters.

Embarked from Folkestone 18.3.18 before joining 1/5th Leicesters

Killed in action 29.9.18

Any detail around the times of James' woundings would be very much appreciated.

Many, many thanks inadvance,


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Hello Ant,

James is not mentioned in any of the diaries, but I can let you have the transcribed dates that I have to hand. I'm sure I've got your e mail address, but can you just pm it to me, so I don't send them to the wrong person.

James is also commemorated on the All Saints Churchyard Memorial in Oakham. I've not seen his records, but I think he would have enlisted under the Derby Scheme and been called up on the 12th April 1916? And was employed in the Midland Railway Provender Stores before enlisting.



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thanks for picking this up for me - was rather hoping you would!

PM on the way.

Once again many thanks for your assistance,


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A big thanks to Llew for his time and expertise on the Leicestershire Regiment - very much appreciated.


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  • 3 weeks later...


you're a star - where did you get that picture from? Another face to a name.

Thank you very much indeed.



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The picture came from "Rutland and the Great War" which was published in 1920.

DOVE, Pte., James, whose widow lives at 26 King's Road Oakham, was employed in the Midland Railway Provender Stores. He joined the Leicestershire Regiment April12th 1916, and went to France July 25th the same year. He took part in the fighting at Cambrai and on the Somme, and was killed by a shell on September28th 1918 at Magny La Fosse.


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thanks for the further detail much appreciated. The CWGC has his date of death as the 29th September as does his service record.

Thanks again.


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The building of his place of work, the Oakham Provender Stores of the Midland Railway, survives and now houses various business units. The store only closed in 1953.

If you'd like photos of the Provender Store or the Oakham War Memorial (where I observed the two minutes silence) let me know.

p.s. His wife Emma came from Cold Overton (not Gold) which is actually in Leics, (not Rutland).

Edited by NedRutland
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Thanks for the info. I wouldn't mind a snap of both please if it's not too much trouble?

I'll PM you with my e-mail address for when you get the chance - no rush!

Many thanks indeed - very much appreciated.



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