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Identification of hospital in France


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Can any member identify the hospital in the photograph, there is a church to the left hand side of the hospital. The nurse who worked at this hospital served at the 14th General Hospital, Wimereux, 12th Stationary Hospital and 58th CCS. I believe it is possibly Wimereux but can anyone identify it for certain.




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It's definitely not No.14 General, which was housed in the Hotel Splendide, the adjacent Casino at Wimereux, with huts added later - photo on this page:

14 General Hospital

The Splendide as used for officers, and the Casino, on our right, for other ranks


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Thanks, that's shot me down in flames, I have no idea where it is now.


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No 12 Stationary was at Rouen and St Pol.


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Thanks, I will try and find photographs of No 12 on the internet.


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Check out anything you can find on the web on No.8 General Hospital, Rouen (at Bois Guillaume). I can see that there might have been a short spell there, and although the buildings have changed a great deal, could this be possible?

8 General Hospital, Rouen


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I would say the building in the link from #6 above is the same as that in the OP.

Look at the small windows just below the eaves, and the pointed roof at the right hand side of each photo.


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Sue, Martin & Steve

Thanks for the input, and I must agree that the photographs I listed appear to be the Number 6 (8) Hospital at Boisguillaume.


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Ignore the 'No.6' reference - No.6 General Hospital was in Rouen, but was a hutted and tented hospital on the Racecourse where most of the hospitals were situated. It was just No.8 General and No.2 British Red Cross Hospital that were in buildings in the town. So it does look as though the photo was No.8 General and that ties in with the postings of the nurse who was there early in the war - probably soon after she arrived in October 1914.


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Thanks for the information, I will pass this on to the family of the nurse who worked there.


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  • 10 years later...

Hi, Sorry this is a bit late and you might have answered the question already. 

This is Bois Guillaume hospital. Here is the same building taken in 1969. you can still see the clock in the top-centre of the roofing. The edge of the roof isn’t the same since the chimneys would have been replaced by central heating around 1961. The second photograph was taken from the far right corner of the court where one can see the three sectioned roof of the choir in the chapel.

I have added a google maps link https://www.google.com/maps/@49.4658392,1.1159881,371m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en&entry=ttu 

The screenshot shows the google maps view..  

Hope this helps.


Bois Guillaume.jpg


Edited by Fergus Currie
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