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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Erzerum, Van, photos, film


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I would like to see some film and some photos of the Siege of Van and Battle of Erzerum. My searches haven't been very fruitful and I would appreciate suggestions. With thanks


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Thank you very much for this lead - I will certainly spend time browsing - hugely interesting so far.

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Just tap in storming and capture of Erzerum on YT as well.

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Here you go. Its a start if youve seen nothing

Many thanks - I've just watched this and will follow up other YT on Erzerum. Very helpful (for my sort of brain) to have some visuals - will also do some reading as I'm going there in October and it will be a one time opportunity so I want to make the most of it. Much appreciated


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You're very welcome :w00t: all the best Sean

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A number of Turkish sites have photos of the defences of Erzerum like the Axis History Forum (look for the Ottoman section).

Not sure about the defences at Van as I didn't think it was a fortress or is not shown as such in Turkish records?

Van fell to the Russians in May 1915 and remained in their hands for most of the war, as far as I known it fell to no fighting as it was abandoned?

Erzerum fell quickly after the 3rd Army was defeated in Feb 1916, dispite its strong defences it didn't last long.


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Van fell to the Russians in May 1915 and remained in their hands for most of the war, as far as I known it fell to no fighting as it was abandoned?

The Armenian population of Van rose up against the Ottoman government in April, and successfully held out until relieved by the Russians in May. It is one of the few successful examples of resistance during the Armenian and Assyrian Genocides, together with the later defence of Musa Dagh.



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Yes your right, the Turkish forces (11th Corps) in that Area had been drawn north the fight the Russian Invasion so few formations were there;

Van Jandarma Div under LtCol Kazim (Ozalp) with;

Van Jandarma Regt (7xBns) Bitlis Jandarma Regt (independent) Diyarbakir Jandarma Regt (independent)

Van Cav Bde (Reserve) recruiting Kurds and other minorities all Regts small in numbers, with;

18th Res Cav Regt Özalp 19th Res Cav Regt Baskale 29th Res Cav Regt Özalp 30th Res Cav Regt Hanik

These were the major Turkish units in that area during the fighting there, Turkish Para Military units and local raised minorities.

The Russian forces in tha area were;

4th Caucasus Corps

66 Div

2nd Caucasian Cossack Div


4th Caucasian Cossack Div



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