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Draftee versus Conscript


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Is there any difference, in any army/military force, between a draftee and a conscript, or do the words mean the same thing?

"Vladimir was conscripted into the forces."

"Alexi was drafted into the army."

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I don't think there is a great deal of difference; it merely seems that in N America most would refer to being 'drafted' rather than 'conscripted'.

In the Royal Navy, someone would refer to being assigned to a certain ship or establishment as being 'drafted'. (In the Navy News there are columns of people appealing for a 'swop draft', whereby another person with similar qualifications would offer to take their draft so that they can, for whatever reason, go to another - or any other - posting.)


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"Draft" refers to drawing something. The original draft was based on the British Militia ballot where each Civil Parish was given a quota and all those eligible drew a number, the ones with the lowest numbers went , unless they could find a substitute.

The US draft was intended to be selective (hence the official terms "Selective Service Act" and "Selective Service Administration") to fill the vacancies. Although much more sophisticated criteria were used than in 18th century England old US newsreels still show men drawing their numbers in WW2

Conscription is a term I believe from revolutionary France and is based on a more "get the lot" attitude.

The two have become indistinguishable terms over the years. The Imperial German legislation limited the active army to a 1% of population target, which meant they could be very choosy. During National Service in the UK many unsuitable men were taken, despite large percentages of rejection.

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