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Help identify cap badge please


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Need help to identify cap badge please, best scan I could get hope it's good enough.




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Sorry Malcolm, I disagree. I would say it's a Leicester Tiger. Am I right in thinking that the TF Leicesters didn't have the "Hindoostan" battle honour on their cap badge?


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Cheers Simon

Just had a look at that one and I think you are right.



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Leicestershire Regiment


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I agree with Simon. Leicestershire Regt, but minus the Hindoostan scroll, thus TF

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Many thanks all looks like the Leicestershire T.F. have it.



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Although I regularly follow threads about cap badges, I don't contribute, as others have so much more knowledge.

I logged into this thread, looked at the original posting, and thought....leicesters.

First time, I think, I have ever been right.



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The Leicester regiment 4th and 5th battalions TF wore the tiger without the upper scroll.

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The picture of the badge is taken from a picture that's from a friend's family but no-one in the family know who the soldier is. With your help we may have identified him, as most of you have said it's a T.F. badge. The soldier in question is David Key 40050 Leicestershire Regiment formerly 5027 Leicestershire Regiment and he was killed while serving with the 7th Battalion. So would the number 5027 have been from the 4th or 5th T.F. Battalions that's why it did not have the Hindoostan scroll.



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Stoppage Drill,

Essentially the TF battalion badges were not allowed to have the battle honours won by the regular battalions prior to the Great War. Others may have more detail on the regulations addressing the issue.

For example the TF battalions of the Gloucestershire Regiment wore the same pattern badge of the regulars, but whereas the regular battalions had "EGYPT" on the tablet below the sphinx, on the TF battalions the tablet was blank. Some TF battalions had the "South Africa" battle honour on the badge. For example while the regular battalions of the Somerset Light Infantry had "Jelllalabad" on the scroll above the coronet the TF battalions had "South Africa 1900-01". Other TF battalions wore entirely different badges to the regular battalions. For example the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th battalions of the Hampshire Regiment all wore their own distinctive badge,



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Hello Ray,

Definitely a 5th Battalion number, I believe the number would have been issued in January 1916 and David wouldn't have been in France to long before being killed in action.



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The 7th Battalion diary records,

17th - 25th September 1916

MONTAUBAN. The Battalion remained in bivouacs and was employed in finding working parties in connection with preparing for the attack on GUEDECOURT. The casualties were all caused by shell fire, and work consisting of digging trenches and repairing roads and much of this was necessarily carried out under shell fire.



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Thanks for the extra information.



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