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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Warsaw British Mission 1919/1920


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Can anyone add any background on this cutting which alludes to a food distribution scheme in Warsaw, before the city was attacked by the Reds in Aug 1920. The officer concerned Bernard Beard - my notes on him- later died in Ireland . I am trying to see if this was a genuine scheme, or the cover for Intelligence operations, and either way what were the dates it functioned, how big it was, and who was on it. I cannot get anything out of Times archives and information appears scanty.


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There was a British Relief Mission to Poland in 1919 and 1920 that worked in conjunction with the American Relief Mission. There was a desperate need for food to attempt to eliminate actual starvation, also required were clothes, booys, soap, drugs, hospital necessities,improvement of transport and supply of raw materials etc.

The bulk of the food required was supplied by the Americans.

I have a brief report of the work of the mission but no reference is made to the names or numbers of men/women involved.


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Thanks for that. Putting that with the Reuter's report on British Intelligence, were there 2 British Missions in Warsaw at that time. That is "food relief" and another "intelligence" or was one a cover for ther other?

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Warsaw did not fall to the Reds in 1920.

The American Typhus commission did a great deal of work in Poland, if you google it you may indirectly find some information about the British Mission.

Hope this helps,


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Thanks, I have corrected that.

Don't think I will get anywhere by Googling, it is most likely to be solved if someone has "the book" on the subject

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Don't think I will get anywhere by Googling, it is most likely to be solved if someone has "the book" on the subject

This is a very readable account of the conflict, it was a library book, and I can't recall any specific mention of the activities of a 'British mission' but it was fought very much as an 'extension' of WW1 i.e same weapons/tactics etc so would not be surprising.



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The best way to look might be the memoirs of Sir Adrian Carton de Wiart, chief of the British Military Mission to Poland both in 1919-1920 and in 1939. The title of his memoirs is "Happy Odyssey".

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Thanks for both the suggestions. The de Wiart book looks the better bet as he must address the issues of Warsaw in particular. Looks a very interesting character to boot

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