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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Trench Map Asiago Plateau


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Good morning,

I just registered on this forum.

I’m Italian and I’m doing a research about the British Army intervention in Italy during 1917-1918.

I'd be interested to maps of the trenches, in particular indicating barracks, reserve and artillery positions in the area of the Asiago plateau.

If you have any one, I would be very pleased to see it, or just have a copy of that!

So I can find the places and I can map this with GPS.

Can anyone help me?


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When you've made a few more posts you'll be able to use the personal message (PM) system. When you can, contact Forum Pal Kibe, who knows the area very well. He ( Achille), with his friend Paolo, guided my wife and I around the area in June last year. He's Italian and comes from Genoa. You'll also find that the Asiago Tourism Board has a lot of information and they sell an annotated modern map showing many of the trench positions, dumps and so on at their offices in the town. It isn't complete and we found some additional remains of a British anti-aircraft position between Cima di Fonte and Cima del Porco.


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Here're some extracts from some trenchmaps from the period. First one is from a 1:25000 scale British map (French base and grid) trench dated 4th April 1918.....


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Secondly, this is an extract from a 1:20,000 scale French trench map - also trench dated April 1918...........


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...and, thirdly, for a look at the allied lines, here's an extract from an Austro-Hungarian 1:25,000 scale trenchmap dating from July 1918.......


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I can't help too much by way of maps as I used only larger ones showing the lines without reference to such things as barracks but I can offer much advice on the British in Italy 1917-18 as I have spent the last year of my life researching it. get in touch if you want any information.

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...and, thirdly, for a look at the allied lines, here's an extract from an Austro-Hungarian 1:25,000 scale trenchmap dating from July 1918.......

As can be seen the K.K. map, various Allied locations and positions (batteries, etc) along with trenches are quite clearly marked in certain areas...


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It’s fantastic!

Thank you all for the great help.

In Italy, there aren’t all these info.

They’re very useful.

I think if to ask you be able to upload them map complete it would be too much, but if anyone have a map of the area between Val Campiello, Malga Carriola, Sunio, M.Corno, Boscon would be a dream!

So as to have continuity with what I had already mapped in this zone.

Grazie 1000!!


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My friend in Roma provided this link to an Italian book publisher. They have quite a few books on the trenches on the various Italian fronts. I don't own any of these books, so I don't know whether they can help you..



Edited by jwsleser
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  • 4 weeks later...


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CROONAERT: Thanks for the map of the Asiago Plateau!! I've been looking for a map of the definition yours had.According to the map the most likely towns are SOUTH of Asiago and for years I've been looking NORTH to Trento!! The Plateau map has Carcer(t)? directly BELOW Asiago or Cassord?? further SOUTH at Tomolo which finally fits the label on my M-95 Steyr bring back rifle! I at least now have one of the question marks of the label most likely figured out. This is without question the most accurate match yet, THANKS!! For the people unfamiliar with my M-95 label question I'll repeat it!!" This Austrian rifle was found at Casorto,Italy, between Asiago and T?????, and brought to America in 1919 by ???? F.Burroughs(R.?.?.?.CO) of the American Ambulance Service." Casorto is most likely either CARCERT? or CASSORD?( Letter "O" is worn on the map but looks like a letter "O"could be there, but it sure can explain why the quest has had many dead ends! Mr. Burroughs spelled it like it sounded to him. Once again thanks!!! Joe L.

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  • 1 year later...

As can be seen the K.K. map, various Allied locations and positions (batteries, etc) along with trenches are quite clearly marked in certain areas...


do you also have the entire k.k. map further to the pieces you attached? I'm looking for trench maps regarding the ww1 line from Monte Grappa to Val Posina through Asiago plateau, I already have some I can share with you. Please advise i you have something .

Thanks! Luca

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Hello Luca.

Yes, I have the complete map. I've also got about 7 French trenchmaps from Feb through to June - Monte Tomba, Pederobba, Altipiano,Bertigo, Monte Tomba/Pederobba (combined), 'Sous-secteur Curogna', Tomba-Piave and an incomplete extract - Alano di Piave. ... ... The K.K. map is the only Austrian one I have and is simply entitled 'Asiago'..... ......in British maps, I just have 'Asiago' as depicted in post #3 and several extracts from 'Sartori'.

If you have any Italian Army trenchmaps or any other K.K. ones, I'd certainly be interested in seeing images of them. Contact me via PM if you prefer.


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Sorry, didn't see it for a few days.... I've just replied.

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  • 6 months later...

I flew over Asiago last week, there are some pictures in the Gallery, I can't work out how to insert them directly into this topic?

I wanted to land and ride my bike to Barental and Grenazza but the airfield was closed, I'll try again next year.

I uploaded some aerial pictures to the gallery.

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  • 3 months later...

Thanks for the maps guys. Has anyone any information on the nationalities or regiments facing the British especially in August 1918?

Hi Beaverhateman, have a look at Mark Thompson's book The White War: Life and Death on the Italian Front 1915-1919 (Faber & Faber) - it doesn't give exhausting lists of regiments, but mentions Hungarian regiments, Czechs in the 13th Artillery Regiment, the 3rd Bosnia & Herzegovina Infantry as well as Austrians at the Battle of the Solstice in July 1918 on the Piave. DJM

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Birgale

CROONAERT: Thanks for the map of the Asiago Plateau!! I've been looking for a map of the definition yours had.According to the map the most likely towns are SOUTH of Asiago and for years I've been looking NORTH to Trento!! The Plateau map has Carcer(t)? directly BELOW Asiago or Cassord?? further SOUTH at Tomolo which finally fits the label on my M-95 Steyr bring back rifle! I at least now have one of the question marks of the label most likely figured out. This is without question the most accurate match yet, THANKS!! For the people unfamiliar with my M-95 label question I'll repeat it!!" This Austrian rifle was found at Casorto,Italy, between Asiago and T?????, and brought to America in 1919 by ???? F.Burroughs(R.?.?.?.CO) of the American Ambulance Service." Casorto is most likely either CARCERT? or CASSORD?( Letter "O" is worn on the map but looks like a letter "O"could be there, but it sure can explain why the quest has had many dead ends! Mr. Burroughs spelled it like it sounded to him. Once again thanks!!! Joe L.

As I lived in Asiago for more than 30 years I can inform You that the correct locations are: Cassordar and Tumolo; the distance betwen them is 100/200 meters about. This locations are situated at south east from Asiago: lat 45°42'06" long 11°31'17" about

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  • 5 months later...
  • 4 years later...


I live in Italy, and I look for British artillery RGA (94 Brigade) maps in Valle di Ledro (Trentino) in July 1918.I would like to find the place indicated with reference coodinate: 85.87. X.5. Y.19. map of M. Tremalzo 1/25000 (Ledro valley).

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