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Naval tugs at Anzac


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Can anyone help with information regarding the Tug Boats operating off Anzac, being, Effie T10, T9, T8 and T7. They don't show up in Colledge so perhaps they were hired from somewhere within the Med and crewed by the RN.

Loneranger VC

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None of them in my extensive database either

Cheers Ron

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Thanks Ron. No, not in my data base either but it seems they were crewed by a mixture of RN, RNVR, RNR and RND crew. I have passed the question onto www.thamestugs.co.uk and fingers crossed an answer may be forthcoming.

I will be posting another bigger request for RN/Mercantile Marine info with regards to Anzac sometime today should you are interested.



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Loneranger, can you give me the year and quarter-year/s when they were in service? If so I'll check the Navy List for you tomorrow.

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The document is signed by Cecil Thursby, Rear Admiral Commanding Second Squadron and is dated 21st April 1915. To my knowledge the only other tug in the region was Rescue, attached to KBV Manica, which was a hired tug possibly as the aforementioned tugs.

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What would you know, of all the Navy Lists we have it's 1915 that has the most missing. I can only offer listings for June, not April.

No Effie, but in Auxiliary Small Craft there is an Effort, Skipper RNR Arthur E. Plumb 10 Feb 15.

Also, any chance T7-T10 could be Torpedo boats instead of Tug boats? There is a list of the former.

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I have been unable to pin down the tugs you name but very large numbers of tugs were hired/requisitioned by the Admiralty including: 13 patrol tugs hired in late 1914; over 150 large screw tugs; over 100 small screw tugs; over 50 paddle tugs. Obviously, not all of these were at the Dardanelles and not all were RN-manned (RNR, MMR, etc but highly unlikely to be RND). Identifying tugs (and other harbour craft) with these numbers may be a problem.

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Thanks Horatio2,

According to Thursby's Memo dated 21 April 1915 - "Ranks and Ratings Forming Crews for Tugs"

Effie Lt-Cmdr Cadogan RN

Sub-Lt Haig RNVR

T10 Lt Adams RNR

Sub-Lt Clauded RND

T9 Sub-Lt Willis RND

The balance were PO's, PO stockers, ab's and stockers

Effie and T10 twelve crew each

T9 seven crew

T8 and T7 six crew each


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Thanks Horatio2,

According to Thursby's Memo dated 21 April 1915 - "Ranks and Ratings Forming Crews for Tugs"

Effie Lt-Cmdr Cadogan RN

Sub-Lt Haig RNVR

T10 Lt Adams RNR

Sub-Lt Clauded RND

T9 Sub-Lt Willis RND

The balance were PO's, PO stockers, ab's and stockers

Effie and T10 twelve crew each

T9 seven crew

T8 and T7 six crew each


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Well that seems to have proved me wrong! [Loneranger VC 1 - horatio2 NIL.] I should have read more deeply because the RND history states quite clearly (footnote p.85):-

"It was to assist in manning the numerous auxiliary craft (tugs, lighters, etc.), which had to play their part in this unprecedented operation of landing a modern army on a hostile beach from open boats, that the naval ratings from the Hood and Howe battalions had been lent to the Navy. These ratings were scattered in small parties and had no independent task...."

More generally, on p.79:-

"While the Division was at Scyros [sic], General Paris was asked to supply, for beach duties in connection with the impending landings, a further three hundred ratings with sea experience. These were drawn from the Hood and Howe battalions. ..."

Sub Lt Bertram CLAUDET and (probably) Sub Lt Arthur WILLIS were both Howe Battalion RND.

The Navy Lists for early 1915 do not include "EFFIE" and the numbered tugs, probably because they were not commissioned.

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The Navy Lists for early 1915 do not include "EFFIE" and the numbered tugs, probably because they were not commissioned.

I think that has saved me a fruitless trip to the basement in search of the April volume, horatio2 - thank you!


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Thanks Horatio and SJ,

Be patient folks as I am confident some answers will be forthcoming shortly. I have an outside source doing some investigating and feel we will have our answers sooner than later. Well done H2 on ref to Jerrod and looking up the names on the Navy List. I hadn't got to that stage yet and was pleased to learn of the error with Claudet's name. Obviously I need to brush up on my RND. Not to be omitted in the narrative but there is so much information to absorb and many aspects of the landings on the naval side of things, let alone the military.


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