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Qualification for Silver War Badge


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I am researching the 48th Siege Battery RGA based, so far, on my Grand Father's diary and the Battery's War diary . I have begun to index members of the unit referred to in each. I have come across Gnr. James Nimmo 24302 recorded in my GF's diary as wounded on 26th Sept 1916. The war diary records on that date states he was wounded by a premature from the RFA guns behind. His MIC indicates he was discharged, unfit for service, on 16/8/1917. Would it be reasonable to assume he would have qualified for a SWB; as I can find no record for one in his name? Was it an award that had to be applied for or were there other factors that determined whether one was due. Any advice to a reative beginner would be welcome as I was hoping the SWB records would help in attempt to build a roll for the battery.


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Hello Peter,

I'm not convinced the SWB records on Ancestry are complete. I've come across several men who were definitely awarded the SWB but I can't locate the records.

Only recently a chap posted that he could not find a record of his Grandfather's SWB, saying 'I know he was awarded one, he wore it every day of his life'.

Reading this might help answer your questions: http://1914-1918.net...-badge-records/


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Hi Peter

According to the Silver War Badge Records ~ there is a Gnr James Nimms 24302 he is not listed as Nimmo and he was issued with a SWB (232807) ~ he is documented as enlisting 30/11/05 and was discharged as you said 16/8/1917 ~ Cause of Discharge "Wounds"

Hope this helps


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To all of you

Many thanks:

I have only managed to find the record in Ancestry when I searched for the SWB number supplied by Colin. It looks as if although the records are there but they are incompletely indexed for searching; or maybe I don't know what I'm doing!

When I have searched the SWB records before I was sure I found the age of the man but in this case it is not given, maybe the data recorded changed over time?

I was hoping to find his age to work out the DOB so I could narrow down the possible Birth records. Oh well!

By the way what does the "%" notation mean before his date of enlistment; I hope it's not that note about desertion at the bottom of the page.


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That date prior to 10-08-07 can only apply to 2 men on that page, has nowt to do with your Granddad

Surely it's 3, including Grandad: Peter Malone 14.03.07, William Hall 24.03.93 & James Nimms 30.11.05.

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I'm not clear. Are you confirming that the % refers to the footnote or was it someone else on the page?

Sandie, sorry I haven't looked yet is that as Nimmo or Nimms and can I find Burma on Ancestry?


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The mark is adjacent to one enlistment date and that is the date for Gunner James Nimms. It does not state he deserted in 07 it states his time begins 10/8/07 that is the date that he came back on the roll.john

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Would I be right in assuming that as a Regular in the RGA, regardless of previous service history, Nimmo would have been part of the core of Regulars in 48th SB when it was formed in 1915? He is recorded as RGA (Dover) although the possibles I have found from BMD are all from the North of England.


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Sorry Guys I'm getting confused. I think we have a few posts crossing because of timing issues! Thanks again for all your input, I'll think about what you've got to say and get back tomorrow.


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