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Cap Badge I.D. and any info please


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Hello everyone, I am a complete beginner at this and could really do with some help finding out more about my great granddad. I thought I would make a start with trying to find out which regiment he was in, this is the only photo I have of him with his cap on so I am sorry if it is unclear but i have tried to enlarge it as best as possible in the hope that someone can help me with some identification ... many thanks in advance.



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Hampshire Regiment. In hospital 'blues' in the right hand picture (pale blue jacket, white shirt, red tie)

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This looks like either Hampshire Regt or York and Lancaster Regt.

Do you have his name?

Yes his name was William Fisher and he was born abt 1898, other than the fact that he lost his leg in the war I know nothing else about him except that he met my great Grandma when he was in hospital in Moseley, Birmingham, she was a kitchen maid there.

Thank you for your help so far old owl and Staffsyeoman

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Do you have their marriage cert? it may have info on it.

Of the 11 men who served with the Hampshires, 2 died, 4 list a middle name (did he have one?), 1 was a Warrant Officer and another later served with the Machine Gun Corps leaving 3 possibles if he had no middle name.

2338 later 240778 Pte William Fisher

12911 Pte William Fisher

38461 Pte William Fisher

If you check these 3 medal cards, look for Pension or Service records on Ancestry, it should narrow it down. If only the Medal Cards exist, then his will have a reference for the Silver War Badge (SWB).


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Do you have their marriage cert? it may have info on it.

Of the 11 men who served with the Hampshires, 2 died, 4 list a middle name (did he have one?), 1 was a Warrant Officer and another later served with the Machine Gun Corps leaving 3 possibles if he had no middle name.

2338 later 240778 Pte William Fisher

12911 Pte William Fisher

38461 Pte William Fisher

If you check these 3 medal cards, look for Pension or Service records on Ancestry, it should narrow it down. If only the Medal Cards exist, then his will have a reference for the Silver War Badge (SWB).


Thanks for your help Sam,

My William had no middle name (there is not one on his marriage cert) having checked the medal cards it could be either of the last two on your list and unfortunately i do not seem to able to locate any Pension or Service records for them, I have been told that he had not been in the army long before he lost his leg but I am not sure if the numbers would indicate this or not ... I just wish I could find something about him so i could understand what he must have gone through ... I am not to sure where to go from here.

Many thanks.

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Found one silver war badge entry for a William Fisher 12911 Hampshire Regt badge number 89995 enlisted 5-9-1914 discharged 24-12-1918 age 32 Kings Regulations 292 XVI Army Order 2 (a) (1) wounds. Age does not match your relative so can be discounted, the other chap Sam mentions number 38461 Fisher has a SWB reference of TP/1710 but I cannot find it. Ralph.

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the other chap Sam mentions number 38461 Fisher has a SWB reference of TP/1710 but I cannot find it. Ralph.

The SWB entry is on C/1710 and states:

38461 Pte FISHER William, enlisted 5.6.16, discharge 27.4.20 age 22 Kings Regulations 292 XVI Army Order 2 (a) (1) wounds

The entire entry is struck through in ink and 'letter' is written in place of the SWB number.

Based on his age this looks like a match for your Great Grandfather.

The British War and Victory medal roll confirms that he saw service overseas with 2nd Battalion, Hampshire Regiment

The expanded casualty list for the Regiment published October 1917 states:

38461 Pte Fisher W. Wd G.S. Rt. knee (amp) 16/08/17 ('G.S.' = Gun Shot)

The 16th August, 1917 coincides with the attack by 2/Hants (88th Brigade, 29th Division) at Langemarck.

There is also a further later casualty list entry mis-typed as 39461 rather than 38461 which states:

39461 Fisher W. Wnd 3rd Southern General Hospital Oxford 5.5.18.


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The SWB entry is on C/1710 and states:

38461 Pte FISHER William, enlisted 5.6.16, discharge 27.4.20 age 22 Kings Regulations 292 XVI Army Order 2 (a) (1) wounds

The entire entry is struck through in ink and 'letter' is written in place of the SWB number.

Based on his age this looks like a match for your Great Grandfather.

The British War and Victory medal roll confirms that he saw service overseas with 2nd Battalion, Hampshire Regiment

The expanded casualty list for the Regiment published October 1917 states:

38461 Pte Fisher W. Wd G.S. Rt. knee (amp) 16/08/17 ('G.S.' = Gun Shot)

The 16th August, 1917 coincides with the attack by 2/Hants (88th Brigade, 29th Division) at Langemarck.

There is also a further later casualty list entry mis-typed as 39461 rather than 38461 which states:

39461 Fisher W. Wnd 3rd Southern General Hospital Oxford 5.5.18.


Thank you so so much Marc this certainly sounds like my William Fisher.

Thanks again for the information on William Fisher it means the world to me to know a bit more about him.

May I just ask how and where you found all of it, I searched all over ancestry and could not find the records, but there again I am a bit of a newcomer to this kind of research. I would really like to see the original documents.

Also I hope I am not been to cheeky if I ask if there is anything else you or anyone else could tell me or find out about William Fisher or the Hampshire Regiment or the battle he was in.

Best wishes and yours gratefully Anne-Marie.

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