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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Zeebrugge & Ostend Raids

christine liava'a

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Can anyone confirm whether Chief Motor Mechanic G W McCracken, on Coastal Motor Boat no 5 ( Lt Cuthbert Bowlby RN i/c) in the raid on Zeebrugge,as reported in the LG 19 Feb 1919 p 2542

is the same as Chief Motor Mechanic Eric William McCracken RNVR, ON, MB 1942 on a coastal motor boat, who received a DSM, LG 28 August 1918 pp10087, and 10089, in the raid on Ostend?

And what does ON stand for? I presume MB is Motorboat

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While I cannot give you a complete answer O.N. is "official number" and MB 1942 was an RNVR service number. In the RNVR in the Great War, there was a branch of ratings who served specifically in the CMB's and were given MB series numbers.


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