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RFA shirts and sidearms


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Can anyone help with giving answers to the following RFA questions:

What was the correct shirt colour for the RFA - gunners and bombardiers etc. I am sure I have seen what appear to be 'blue' shirts in old B&W photos.

But I have one of grandfathers and it is green/khaki. Was it a question of summer / winter or fatigues and on duty?

Can anyone advise on the sidearm for a bombardier - did they carry one?

Was it a Webley and was it in a leather or canvas holster?

Am I right in thinking they did not carry rifles?

Many thanks


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Can anyone help with giving answers to the following RFA questions:

What was the correct shirt colour for the RFA - gunners and bombardiers etc. I am sure I have seen what appear to be 'blue' shirts in old B&W photos.

But I have one of grandfathers and it is green/khaki. Was it a question of summer / winter or fatigues and on duty?

Can anyone advise on the sidearm for a bombardier - did they carry one?

Was it a Webley and was it in a leather or canvas holster?

Am I right in thinking they did not carry rifles?

Many thanks


The shirts were the famous and collarless "grey back" that was worn for many years. They were generally in various shades of grey, but if you run a search on the forum here you will find an informative thread on the variations.

RFA soldiers on the gun line, including Bombardiers (who at that time had one stripe) were armed with the Short, Magazine (fed) Lee Enfield (SMLE) and not a side arm. This was as a result of experiences in the 2nd Anglo/Boer War.

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Four SMLE's were carried on the gun limber for the use of the gun detachment.

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Can you post a photo of the shirt?

Shirt colors had a considerable range and for tropical wear a DRAB one was issue, but without seeing the shirt can't tell what you have.

Joe Sweeney

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Can you post a photo of the shirt?

Shirt colors had a considerable range and for tropical wear a DRAB one was issue, but without seeing the shirt can't tell what you have.

Joe Sweeney

Thanks to everyone for the helpful replies about shirts and side arms.

I no longer have the shirt sadly. It was a wool shirt and got badly mothed abput 20 years ago I think it must have been 'drab' if that involves some sort of olive-green-brown 'landrover' colour. He was in Egypt and Salonika campaigns.

However he wasn't demobbed until 1920 so perhaps it could have been a shirt he picked up later after the war.

Thanks again


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Just reading "A Field Artillery Group in Battle" by Colonel W.H.F. Webber which refers to February 1918.

Standing Orders for Positions (2nd Brigade RFA) Appendix 11.

1. Forward positions

2. 75% of the men to have rifles up to a maximum of 12 rifles with 50 rounds per rifle.

V. O.P.'s

2. Night O.P. to be provided with a rifle and S.O.S. rifle-grenades.

3. N.C.O. and personnel to be armed.

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