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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Need help identifying!


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Hey everyone!

Im a newbie and need help identifying this helmet! I was reading through the thread on identifying these helmets but ended up confused. Any help? The only stamping I see is ZR22 on the inside.




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Hello, Daniel - I have never seen a painted insignia like the one on your helmet, but the "ZR" code is that of an American manufacturer, while "22" indicates the batch number. Regards, Torrey

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Agree with the above. Painted in the non reflective paint finish. Could it be Canadian in origin?


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The helmet is US-made. You can tell by the single round rivet attaching the strap guide lug. Canadians used British-supplied helmets, which have a bifurcated rivet. So this is almost certainly an American sign.



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Thank yall for the responses!

What should I do as far as preserving this helmet? The blue paint seems to be added after the C6. Was the color on the underside of the lip a different color than the outside? If not then I assume that would be a good place to look for the original coloring. If the blue color is original, then what was the blue helmets used for? Tankers? Armor troops?



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  • 1 month later...

So would yall remove the blue color and try and get back to the original green?

Please forgive my late reply, I've only just re-joined this forum and got a lot of catching up to do after a 6 year gap......

It would be tricky to try and remove the blue paint unless it's starting to flake of, that way, all you need is a blunt tool and carefully pick the paint off.

If you go down the road of paint stripper, you would have to work on small area's at a time to make sure it doesn't attack the original pain underneath....

I restore helmets all the time for collectors & museums.

Hope this is of some use


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