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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Squadron war diaries


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yet another question...

Does anyone of you know where I can find the war diaries of the different squadrons, air brigades and air wings of the RAF from the WW1?

The file I requested from the 7th Squadron, AIR 1/687/21/20/7 (I only had time to request one file), that I found using the procat on the internet was in fact some kind of a summary of the history of the unit. In it were several references to other war diaries (according to the similarity of the numbers fi 204/81/33), but I couldn't find any file with this number.

I would appreciate any help on this matter.



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Have you tried the files AIR 1/1341/204/18/1 through AIR 1/1341/204/18/16? They all refer to the activities of 7 Squadron through all or parts of 1914-6. Doing a PROCAT search on 7 Squadron throws up a lot of other files:

AIR 1/761/204/4/151 Formation of 7 Squadron, R.F.C. 1914 May

AIR 1/765/204/4/231 Four individual reconnaissance reports, 4 and 7 Squadrons. 1916 Sept. and Oct.

AIR 1/765/204/4/235 Move of 7 Squadron R.F.C. to Netheravon. 1914 Oct. - Nov.

AIR 1/784/204/4/537 Move of 7 Squadron to join B.E. Force. 1915 Mar. - Apr.

AIR 1/789/204/4/632 Posting of Lt. P. A. Broder to 7 Squadron. 1915 Mar.

AIR 1/803/204/4/1144 Promotions and appointments: Officers of 4 and 7 Squadrons. 1914 May

AIR 1/821/204/5/19 Nominal roll of personnel proceeding overseas: 1, 4, 6 and 7 squadrons. 1914 Sept. - Oct.

AIR 1/826/204/5/141 Nominal roll of Warrant Officers and N.C.Os. in 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 Squadrons. 1915 Aug.

AIR 1/1280/204/10/41 7 Squadron casualties. 1918 Jan. - Oct.

AIR 1/1547/204/78/6 Particulars of officers: 7 Squadron. 1917

AIR 1/2148/209/3/189 Movement of 12 Squadron to the Expeditionary Force and more of 7 Squadron to join II Wing 1915 Sept.

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Thanks for the hints.

To Bob: I am also active on the Forum there and will certainly repeat my question there. It's just that the people there seem to be less known with archives.

To bmac: I need the war diary of October-November 1918, so these earlier diaries can't help me. There were a few pages with casualties in the file I looked at.

To Arthur: I know this site and used it to see which squadrons were active on the airfield I'm researching.



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