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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Grandstand Hospital, Epsom Downs


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Does anyone have any information on the Grandstand hospital at Epsom Downs? My grandfather in the 1/2 Londons was wounded in the arm near Armentiers in January 1915 and was treated there. He said that he was billeted in the stables at Tattenham Corner and daily had to march a squad of wounded to the hospital for treatment (by some very tough Irish nurses who stood no nonsense!!).


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Does anyone have any information on the Grandstand hospital at Epsom Downs? My grandfather in the 1/2 Londons was wounded in the arm near Armentiers in January 1915 and was treated there. He said that he was billeted in the stables at Tattenham Corner and daily had to march a squad of wounded to the hospital for treatment (by some very tough Irish nurses who stood no nonsense!!).


Hi Nick

The Grandstand hospital was located in what was known as the Great War Building and was part of the Epsom racecourse grandstand. I believe construction was started in about 1912 and shortly after the war started it was taken over by the army for use as a hospital. I remember the building well as I lived very close by as a child and in later years used to pass it every day on my way to work in Epsom. Sadly it was demolished a couple of years ago to make way for the building of the new Grandstand.

You can get more information from the local museum at Bourne Hall in Ewell - their web address is www.epsomtownpage.co.uk/bhmuseum.htm

The contact there is David Brooks. You can mention me, Roger Lunt. I helped put on a display of WW1 Artifacts at the museum back in April. They hold quite a lot of info on the hospital and I'm sure they will be able to help you.

Regards, Roger

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Hi Roger,

Many thanks for all the information. I will certainly go along to Bourne Hall as its not too far away from me.

best wishes,


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  • 3 weeks later...

There was outcry in 1915 when the idea of emptying the hospital to allow the flat racing season to get underway was floated. After exchanges of letters in The Times the Jockey Club eventually decided to halt racing. Interestingly, the Surrey Recruitment Registers show that within days of the announcement a number of stable hands etc joined up, most of them going to the RAVC. One of these men was one of the bellringers listed on the roll of honour of the Surrey Association of Church Bell Ringers which I've been researching (all the Epsom and Epsom Common ringers survived the war)

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  • 10 months later...

Hi Nick

The Grandstand hospital was located in what was known as the Great War Building and was part of the Epsom racecourse grandstand. I believe construction was started in about 1912

I did some survey work on the building in the early 2000s and it was referred to then as the 1914 Building. A nice looking building from the outside but from the inside was your typical used infrequently race course building. The 'cellars' (for drink storage) were up in the attic and linked across the the Grandstand by a high level bridge.


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  • 6 months later...

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