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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Maps and Charts


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I have scanned various Reports and Charts, from Report of the Military Board of Allied Supply here is a list I have so far:-

Organization Chart of the British War Office

Organization of the British War Cabinet

Supply & Transport Directorate War Office

Diagram of British General Headquarters

General Staff Branch - British General Headquarters

Organization of the Adjutant General's Branch of the Staff

Schematic Diagram of British Supply

Service at GHQ of the Allied Armies

Directorates & Inspectorates Controlled by QMG

Transatlantic Cargo unloaded in France

Organization of Army Ordnance Services in France

Location of British Ordnance Depots & Bases

Requisitions(Indents) for Ordnance Munitions British Army

System Ammunition and Ordnance supply in the British Army

Munitions - Ditecting Agencies

Organisation - Supplies Directorate

Lines of Communication British Forces in France & Flanders

Scheme of Supply From Base to Trenches BEF

Organisation of the Office of the Engineer in Chief

Evacuation and Hospitalisation - British

Train Regulating Chart

Average Formation Train 38 to 40 Trucks made up at Regulating Station fpr Railhead

Organisation of Director General of Transportation in France and Flanders

Map of North East France Map 1

Map of North East France Map 2

Composition of Troop Trains, Standard Type

Light Railway Organisation In France & Flanders

Traffic Control British Light Railways

Organisation of Transport Directorate

Mechanical Transport Depots of British Army in France & Flanders

Organisation of the Royal Air Force in France & Flanders

System of Supply - Royal Flying Corps

Location British Aviation Depots & Parks

Head Quarters Tank Corps

Organisation Signal Service British Army in France & Flanders

Supply of Signal Material British Army

Organisation of the Directorate of Works British Army in France & Flanders

Director of Forestry

British Forestry Services Showing Areas, Depots & Offices

Organisation of the Remount Service in France & Flanders

Organisation of Director of Veterinary Services

Location of Veterinary Establishments and Base Remount Depots

Distribution of Duties, Headquarters of Salvage Control

French & Belgium Inland Waterways Operated by BEF

Organisation of divisional Postal Services

Service Postal Force BEF

Directorate of Docks Organisation & Liason

Organisation Military Board of Allied Supply Organisation

Composite Map showing Locations of Allied Supply Establishments

Here is a sample.


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John, that's an interesting list, are you offering copies? If so I'd very much like a nose at the following please -

Director of Forestry

British Forestry Services Showing Areas, Depots & Offices

Location of British Ordnance Depots & Bases

cheers, Jon

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British Forestry Services

Location of Brirish Ordnance Depots & Bases



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Sorry Jay, due to the file size restrictions 100K I cannot post anything larger, although I can scan up to A3 I cannot do anything more even using a JPEG compressor. The onlything I can suggest is to copt the file and using Photoshop zoom on to the image.


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  • 2 months later...
Guest Tim Username

Sorry Jay, due to the file size restrictions 100K I cannot post anything larger, although I can scan up to A3 I cannot do anything more even using a JPEG compressor. The onlything I can suggest is to copt the file and using Photoshop zoom on to the image.


Hi John

I'm a complete n00b on this forum so I hope I'm not treading on any toes here :-)

If you wanted to post large images online you could consider Google Docs. It's free and I'm not sure of the size limit but it's pretty big.

On a map related note...... I'm researching the history of Kings Weston House in Bristol

It's right next to Shirehampton where the remount depot was. In fact the depot land belonged to the owner of the house.

I'd love to find a map showing the extents of the depot at the edge of the estate. Or anything else about the depot for that matter.

If you'd like to see the estate I'm talking about there are low-res copies of exhibition boards here


And hi-res stuff here at google docs if you want some detail (you might need to log in to google to see the page)


Thanks for any help


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