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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Francis John Lindley Mitchell


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A while ago I enquired about Francis John Lindley Mitchell on Dick Flory's School Registers and Rolls of Honour thread, see http://1914-1918.invisionzone.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7900&view=findpost&p=1567352 and succeeding posts, now a relative of Mitchell has arrived on that thread http://1914-1918.invisionzone.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7900&view=findpost&p=1629241, so I've set up this thread to allow for a further exchange of information, without distracting from the main purpose of that thread

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Martin, hopefully you'll have managed to follow the signposts to this new thread

In addition to the other material I've mentioned, I've also got census returns for the family in 1901 and 1911. I perhaps wasn't entirely clear in the link I provided to the information about Mitchell's father, that page itself is not from Ringing World, but is the biographical record maintained by the biographies committee of the Central Council for Church Bell Ringers

You may also be interested in some context of the roll of honour on which he appears. Of the 152 men named, just 7 were officers. One of those may actually be in error, I've not been able to trace any London Gazette entries, or a service file, though I've not yet exhaustively examined the army list. Including Mitchell, just three attended independent schools, and he was the only one with any university education - though of course he had not completed his degree when he first accepted a commission, he was allowed to return to Cambridge while recuperating from his wounded arm

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