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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Birmingham Uni's Great War MA

Len Trim

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Hi all,

aware that some people on the forum have done this course or are currently doing it. I have a great desire to do it once I retire ie. starting in September 2012 but am concerned by the amount of travelling involved. The website seems to suggest the course consists of 6 modules with 3 Saturday sessions per module. That makes 18 return trips Scotland/ Birmingham and associated overnight accommodation. Quite a financial obligation on top of the non too cheap course fees. My wife would no doubt object to the time away aspect as well. What do people who have done it think/ advise?


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Quite a few of my comrades when I did it in 2006-7 travelled from far and wide. One came in from Ireland, others from the North East, etc. The University has good and very reasonably priced overnight accommodation should you need to stay.

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Hi Chris,

Thanks for the info on the Uni accommodation. Will look into it.


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