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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

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I do not collect medals so this info and offer may be of no real interest to anyone. I am on holiday in the village of Port Alfred in the Eastern cape, South Africa and popped in to the local second hand shop to look for a book when I wandered over to the medal cabinet. If anyone is interested in what I found please contact me and I will put you in touch with the shop.

In the cabinet is an oblong box. Above it is what is said to be an Iron Cross - cross with ribbon - awarded to Heinz Knoll in WWI. There is another medal with a black/white/black/red/black/white ribbon and another with a pale yellow/pale green ribbon. The price on the whole thing is R 3 500 which is three thousand five hundred rands which is about 350 pounds.

I'm not a medal collector and know nothing but I suddenly thought that this may be an opportunity for someone on the Forum. I am staying here till Monday or Tuesday. If anyone is interested I will get the name and emails of the shop owner and ydou can take it from there.


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