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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Hamilton soldier identified from WWI remains


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The fact that he was drafted from the Central Ontario Regiment to a Manitoba Regiment battalion shows clearly the reinforcement problems the CEF was having in 1918.

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I have added his details to the map of recoveries that I am trying to maintain.

Did anyone know of this as a case in progress? I thought we had got to grips with those in progress - possibly not all pending cases were care of CWGC?


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This is excellent news and just goes to show what can be achieved when the will is there and a country is determined to give its best efforts to ensure that their soldiers will have the dignity of a name and not be "Known Unto God". Well done Canada. We can only hope that the same amount of effort and expertise will be devoted in an attempt to identify the 15 British soldiers possibly of the old BEF who were found in Beaucamps-Ligny France almost two years ago. Unfortunately bearing in mind previous British discoveries I would advise members not to hold their breath whilst awaiting a result!



Video - The 6 British Soldiers

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Norman, re the 15 soldiers recovered at Beaucamps Ligny, do you know the latest position on this and when they will be reburied (have they been?)

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Drummy, I regrettably have no further info on the 15, save that some excellent researchers here on the forum have submitted data to the MOD. The sad thing is with this case is that there was and continues to be a complete media blackout similar to both the CWGC and MOD. I understand that here in the UK there is a time-limit for the retention of human remains found as they were in this case of two years after which they must be interred. Whether this applies to British soldiers found abroad but now in the custody of the UK authorities I have no idea. If this law does apply then the remains will have to be reburied no later than November 2011.


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  • 3 months later...

I understand that the burial of Alexander Johnston will be covered by ITV News at Ten tonight. Obviously it all depends on breaking news but that's what they just told me anyway.

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Thanks for the heads up Jeremy, just turned over and caught the feature at the end of the news.


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  • 4 weeks later...

glad to see this posting, as I had just seen an article in the French newspaper, here are the French newspaper La voix du nord links to it for anyone that is interested, if you would like any of them translated let me know

br mags

Le soldat Alexander Johnston a retrouvé les siens et ses ... [26/10/2011] le-soldat-alexander-johnston-a-retrouv-1398312.jpgComme l'indique cette inscription sur sa pierre tombale, Alexander Johnston

repose désormais au cimetière militaire canadien de Sailly- lez ...

www.lavoixdunord.fr/.../Cambrai/2011/10/26/article_le-soldat-alexander-johnston-a-retrouve.shtml - Actualité Cambrai - La Voix du Nord [26/10/2011]


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