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29th Division History


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According to the 42nd East Lancs divisions history covering the 3rd battle of Krithia, the 126th brigade was split up into various units within the 29th division.

Does anyone know if the 29th division history has any mention of this in particular the involvement of the 1/5th East Lancs for the 4th June.

Regards Duncan

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regarding 4th June 1915, Vol.II of the British OH says on page 48:

'Of the 126th Brigade (Br.-General D. G. Prendergast), the 1/9th Manchester was occupying the reserve-line of trenches; the other three battalions had been temporarily split up to reinforce the units of the 88th Brigade'

re your:- any mention of this in particular the involvement of the 1/5th East Lancs for the 4th June.

Westlake's 'British Regiments at Gallipoli' states re the 1/5th East Lancs that they were "attached to units of 29th Division" from 26th May and that they took part in Third Battle of Krithia on the 4th June

I hope that this helps


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The Story of the 29th Division (Captain Stair Gillon) makes no mention of the 126th Brigade. On page 43 it says:

Attached to the division was the 127th (Manchester) Brigade, to which were loaned senior officers of the 87th Brigade. This was a fine fighting brigade. Indeed, with officers like the late Harold Cawley, MP, to inspire and lead the men it could not be otherwise. Detail of the 4th June follow this passage.

But of the 126th Bde, not a mention.

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Looking at the WDs for the 88th Brigade it is not absolutely clear to whom the 1/5th E Lancs were attached

The 1/4th E Lancs were attached to the 1/4th Worcs and there is a ref in the 1st Bn Essex War Dairy to their also being joined by E Lancs TF (8 Officers & 243 ORs) - could this be the 1/5th E Lancs you are looking for? The date and the trench line fits as far as I can tell

edit: Doesn't look like I was right here with my guess, as I now see that the Essex WD notes 1 E Lancs officers casualty (Wolf) who turns out to be 4th E Lancs, not 5th

2nd edit: checked other battalions without luck. Because of the date and the part of the line mentioned, attachment to the Essex seems the best bet (but I cannot explain Wolf)

Edited by michaeldr
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Micheal and Steve

Thanks for the replys.

42 east lancs division history states . " The 9th Manchesters was the only battalion of the 126th brigade acting with the division,the 4th and 5th east lancashires and the 10th manchesters being still split up among the skeleton battalions of the 29th division "

All a bit frustrating as one of the chaps I'm researching Sgt Robert Payne 1/5th east lancs was killed on the 4th june.The 126th Brigade rejoined the division on the 8-9th june.


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