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Channel 4 Time Team Special

J Banning

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Hi Hywyn,

The flamethrower was under the care of Z Coy of the Special Brigade RE. Z Coy commanded by Capt Livens.

As to your question of Z Coy men being identified and researched, you should drop Jeremy Banning a PM as he has carried out most of the archival research and will co-author the forthcoming book on the flame projector. He is away for a few days but back later in the next week.

Best regards


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Is there any information about how much these installations each cost? I am sure that whatever the figure was it was in stark contrast to that of the standard Livens Projector. I am sure that the experience with this system gave Livens much food for thought and pointed him in the right direction.

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Metz should be pronounced Mesz with it being nearer Mess than Mezz. If you see what I mean.

The origin of the name is obscure. It may be a corrpution of Mediomatrici or Matra. The people who first settled there possibly came from the banks of the river Moder. But nothing is certain. I have the origin of most place names in the Lorraine and Luxembourg, but nothing very convincing for Metz.

The origin of Mametz may be the same, or perhaps not.

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Thanks Iain. I'll get in touch with Jeremy.

As a matter of interest.Using Geoffs Engine there are 40 casualties for the unit from 3/4/1917 to 29/8/1918 (possibly it was called something else before that date or CWGC does not indicate Z Coy in the unit) with 14 shown for 6th May 1917. Jeremy doesn't mention a deployment for that date in his post #41. I haven't yet checked all their SDGW status but the 3 that I have show KIA.


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Metz should be pronounced Mesz with it being nearer Mess than Mezz. If you see what I mean.

The origin of the name is obscure. It may be a corrpution of Mediomatrici or Matra. The people who first settled there possibly came from the banks of the river Moder. But nothing is certain. I have the origin of most place names in the Lorraine and Luxembourg, but nothing very convincing for Metz.

The origin of Mametz may be the same, or perhaps not.

Thanks - so fog clears. Nowhere near 'Mey' though.


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Just bumping my question from yesterday, since this thread seems to have gone quiet... Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks.

"The average viewer would, imho, have come away with the idea that Livens invented the flamethrower, whereas of course we know that the Germans also had them deployed to horrible effect on 1st July (Sausage Valley being one location I seem to recall?) So how did the German version differ from the Livens one? And did they both have a common ancestor, or were they developed and deployed independently?"

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  • 5 weeks later...

Anyone visiting the Somme may be interested to know that the Historial museum in Peronne is now running an exhibition on last years dig, opened last week.

Centerplace in the exhibition is a life size replica of Livens' Large Gallery Flame Projector. This was designed and made by students of an engineering university in Amiens and they have done us proud. It looks excellent. The replica flame projector is displayed amongst other artifacts discovered on the dig and is set alongside the original pieces of the flame projector found on the dig.

The exhibition is running until December 2011.


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Thanks. Iain. On my list for the end of July. May even stay an extra day in Ieper to make sure I get down to see it.


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  • 1 month later...

I set my DVD recorder to record the programme as I was in Belgium when it was transmitted, guess what had a power cut so no programme recorded. Did anyone record it I would like a copy, I will reimburse any costs, please PM me.


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  • 2 years later...

Have just this morning seen a repeat of this programme on Yesterday, didn't catch it the first time around. Fascinating programme and would agree with a lot of the posts from years ago. I did read somewhere recently about flame throwers used in the war but nowhere about this thing, what an horrendous beast.

I wish I had seen this before because I was out at this place earlier on in the year on a battlefield tour and no mention was made of it.

Regards. Mike

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