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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

The Imperial Russian Air Service, Famous Pilots and Aircraft of World


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Greetings All,

In the past, when I've been looking for bits of info on the Russian Air Service in WWI, this 545 page book has popped up repeatedly:


I recently purchased a near perfect copy of the Flying Machines Press 1996 printing of this work on eBay for $39 and after it arrived I discovered why it shows up so often in regards to the subject. It is an amazing resource and wealth of information! I have been told that the other work to look to is the recently published two-volume set, "The Russian Military Air Fleet in World War I", done by the late August Blume. However, at $150 for the set I am content to wait, and read my copy of Durkota's work for the time being.



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I can recommend the late August Blume's The Russian Military Air Fleet in World War I as well as Durkota's epic volume. With both publications you have just about all you'll ever need on the subject.

The variations in cost of the Blume books is amazing. Using http://booko.com.au/ I see that the price of Vol 1 varies from $A89.95 to $A246.95!



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Somewhere I have an original Imperial Russian 'silhouette' aircraft recognition booklet - what is nice is that someone at the time (during the Civil War) has made a drawing & a note of the Don Army aircraft insignia, presumably so as not to shoot them down by mistake as this booklet came with some other White Army items :w00t:

I'll have to have a rummage around for it!


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Gareth, thanks for the recommendation. Blume's work is on my very long list of books to add to my WWI aviation library.

Andy, I would love to see some scans of that book Sir, and I am sure other here would as well. Hope you find it in your rummaging.




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