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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

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I saw all this series when I was 12 years old. It came on at 11pm and I always thought I was very lucky to have parents who let me stay up and watch it after everyone else had gone to bed.

Being now in the US I'm left to "wing it" on the correct pronunciation of many places, so it's sort of nice to hear place names. I always thought it was General H Plumb-er not as it's said here Plu-mer. Nice

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I saw all this series when I was 12 years old. It came on at 11pm and I always thought I was very lucky to have parents who let me stay up and watch it after everyone else had gone to bed.


Snap; it was a real treat & one felt very grown up to be allowed to stay up that late to see it without fail at such a young age,It is one of the enduring memories of my Childhood & probably contributed to my ongoing interest to this day,It can only be said that the Paper related offer of the complete set on DVD of recent years did not dissapoint :poppy:


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Well all I can say,is thank you Mike,for finding the Series and introducing it to the Forum.

I was allowed to watch the Series originally,with my Dad,who lost two Brothers in WW1,but he was convinced that he saw one of his Brother's alive in a WWI Film clip.


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" I was allowed to watch the Series originally,with my Dad,who lost two Brothers in WW1,but he was convinced that he saw one of his Brother's alive in a WWI Film clip. "

That's amazing George, it must have been a bitter sweet moment for him. I was too young, and besides that never had a tv at the time. Never got BBC2 in the area anyway, BBC1, that was y'er lot.


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Hi Harry,

Yes exactly. I was very much a little boy and had no real comprehension of what I was watching. For example, the way I understood the casualty numbers was by relating it to my School Enrollment. There were 500 boys enrolled at my school, so 19,000 dead on 1/7/1916 meant 38 times my School.

Growing up in the early 60's we were still in the post WW2 era but by watching this series I knew even before that something very terrible had happened.


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" I was allowed to watch the Series originally,with my Dad,who lost two Brothers in WW1,but he was convinced that he saw one of his Brother's alive in a WWI Film clip. "

That's amazing George, it must have been a bitter sweet moment for him. I was too young, and besides that never had a tv at the time. Never got BBC2 in the area anyway, BBC1, that was y'er lot.



A sidetrack :D

Father was one, of the many, who invested in a T.V. for the Queen's 1953 Coronation of which I have only hazy memories as I was aged 3 at the time.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Mike

In an earlier post you asked about criticism of the BBC series the Great War. Ilama R Bet-el in her book Conscripts (Sutton Press) discusses the series in her Epilogue section. She describes a lot of the background etc. for the series. She points out that in advertising for veterans they asked what veterans who went through the war could remember most vividly. However, the veterans they wanted were those 'who served on any front up to the end of 1915'. They also asked for other groups e .g. White Feather Movement. 'No explicit advert was made for those enlisting after 1916. In fact the only appeal relevant to conscripts appeared in the Daily Mail...and rather than an advertisement it was part of a small news item.' 'Thus it was only volunteers who survived the last two years of the war gave testimony about them.' She points out that 'the story of the conscripts had never been omitted by decision, since the issue had never arisen'. 'Terraine explained: "the volunteering story was a very fantastic one" while conscription was "always regarded as very un-English"'. She has 3 pages on the series and the series and is consistent with the what she calls the 'Myth of Participation'.



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Thanks Jim, that's very interesting. I will add the book to my ever growing ' wanted ' list. I'm watching them a bit at a time. The story of the making of the series, is a story in itself.


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Its excellent service Mike - you have a sure touch and an ability in finding things like this and posting them on. You've a sure touch in finding on-line documents and books as well. Thanks most sincerely ( cos only a few will bother to thank you! :thumbsup: ).

There's a large latte on the bar for you, and Fifi's gone up to change into something comfortable!

Geraint :rolleyes:

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Thank you Geraint. I enjoy searching, and have learnt how to search for ww1 books/documents etc. I have a method. One of these days i will have the time to read all the books, and watch all the footage. :D

Cheers Mike

WOW! Fifi! :wub:

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I've got the 10 hour DVD set of "World War I: The Complete Story (Narrated By Robert Ryan)" by CBS. I can't find DVD's of the BBC's 1964 The Great War in the States. Anyone want to trade?

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I think I saw it earlier this week at Books-a-Million in Old Town Alexandria Va in the bargain bin next to Victory at Sea. Less than 10 bucks. I'll check again tomorrow to make sure its the series we're talking about.

I've got the 10 hour DVD set of "World War I: The Complete Story (Narrated By Robert Ryan)" by CBS. I can't find DVD's of the BBC's 1964 The Great War in the States. Anyone want to trade?

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Thank you, Leighc! World War 1 : The Great War - Complete BBC Series Boxed Set is what I'm looking for. The CBS version is compressed onto 3 DVD's and that is acceptable to me (it is, after all, B&W and somewhat grainy). I've ben enjoying the posted YouTube clips. But, I'd like to get my hands on the complete series with extras.

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Bad news,

I just checked and the series at Books-a-Million is a 10 part American series called The War to End All Wars in 10 episodes on 3 DVDs At $6.27, I couldn't pass it up but I'm not too impressed with it from the quick look I've had so far. It has pretty low production values and very amateurish soundtrack and narration by Fred North who sounds more like a primary school history teacher. It may be a re-packaging re-edit of something earlier as it's copyrighted 2008.

Keep searching



However, since it was Picked up a copy since it was only looki

Thank you, Leighc! World War 1 : The Great War - Complete BBC Series Boxed Set is what I'm looking for. The CBS version is compressed onto 3 DVD's and that is acceptable to me (it is, after all, B&W and somewhat grainy). I've ben enjoying the posted YouTube clips. But, I'd like to get my hands on the complete series with extras.

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I too have been stung by that series. This past time, I thought I was taking a gamble when I purchased the CBS series, but have been pleasantly surprised. It is an extremely good series on 3 dvd's that is different from (and almost as good as) the BBC series. Thanks for going back and taking a look.

Bad news,

I just checked and the series at Books-a-Million is a 10 part American series called The War to End All Wars in 10 episodes on 3 DVDs At $6.27, I couldn't pass it up but I'm not too impressed with it from the quick look I've had so far. It has pretty low production values and very amateurish soundtrack and narration by Fred North who sounds more like a primary school history teacher. It may be a re-packaging re-edit of something earlier as it's copyrighted 2008.

Keep searching



However, since it was Picked up a copy since it was only looki

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