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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Replacemnent Medals


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Hiya, now I know the purists among you are going to throw you hands up in disgust but I am new to this game having only just discovered I have an uncle who was KIA during the Great War and I would like copies (plain) of his medals. I have his medal card which says he was awarded the Victory Medal and the British Medal. Roll Number L/105 B20. Page 3367. His details are:-

Lance Corporal John William Welch 37340

2nd Battalion

The Royal Berkshire Regiment.

His death is recorded as 1st August 1917 in the Glencorse Wood area. His body was never identified.

He is remembered on The Menin Gate Memorial Panel 45.

I am certain that his medals were given to his Mother, him not being married, but from then on I have no idea what happened to them.



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Hiya, now I know the purists among you are going to throw you hands up in disgust but I am new to this game having only just discovered I have an uncle who was KIA during the Great War and I would like copies (plain) of his medals. I have his medal card which says he was awarded the Victory Medal and the British Medal. Roll Number L/105 B20. Page 3367. His details are:-

Lance Corporal John William Welch 37340

2nd Battalion

The Royal Berkshire Regiment.

His death is recorded as 1st August 1917 in the Glencorse Wood area. His body was never identified.

He is remembered on The Menin Gate Memorial Panel 45.

I am certain that his medals were given to his Mother, him not being married, but from then on I have no idea what happened to them.



Replacement medals are no longer available from the MOD, so it will be a case of contacting family members to see if they know of their wherabouts.
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Replacement medals are no longer available from the MOD, so it will be a case of contacting family members to see if they know of their wherabouts.

That's torn it Willy, I'm the last one.Geoff

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If you fail to find them within the family, there are plenty of suppliers of good quality replicas out there where you could buy a representative group of medals. You can also get hold of a named replica memorial plaque (PM me for details of where from).

Please, whatever you do, don't be tempted to buy genuine medals with the naming details erased as this creates a market for those who destroy the history of medals by taking the original details off them.

Replicas tend to be cheaper than genuine medals which have been erased too, so this is the course of action I would recommend.



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That's torn it Willy, I'm the last one.Geoff

ok, no distant far removed family members? in which case i would say Nigels on the right tack, however don't give up on the originals keep searching they could turn up somewhere my GF's were believed stolen for years following a burglary, however i had a chance meeting with someone and now we have them back!
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