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Russian Unit histories WWI connected

John Gilinsky

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In order to facilitate researchers, to redress an imbalance in the use of English, French or German only sources, etc....I am listing those unit histories written in Russian covering Russian unit histories as found in M. Lyons "The Russian Imperial Army. A Bibliography of Regimental Histories and Related Works." Stanford, California: The Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University 1968

Criteria for those listed below:

a) must relate in whole or in large part to WWI

B) must relate in whole or in part to some aspect or period of WWI including the Russian Civil War

c) may relate to earlier periods prior to 1914 but must still cover some time period of WWI

d) published prior to 1914 BUT encompassing the immediate especially post-1905 Russo-Japanese War period of miltiary reforms

e) rarity of subject coverage such as major unit histories that may only include coverage prior to 1904 but are still somewhat useful as how units saw themselves operating especially in the late 19th. century or early 20th. century

Lyons's work is still the single most important bibliographical tool for such publications. However, Lyons did NOT use nor have direct access to continental European libraries. Bibliographies on emigre literature need to be consulted to amplify Lyons' coverage. It is clear that war and politics of the time played a critical role in silencing the history of the great bulk of these Russian units. While the Imperial Guard and certian cavalry units are well represented there is practically hardly any items representing the great mass: the Russian line infantry regiments. Moreover, Lyons's does NOT include the majority of regiments even. Roughly about 500 new regiments were raised during the war yet these are nowhere to be found. Even the older established line infantry units have virtually NO WWI direct references.

If you have corrections or additions please add them to this list so that others may know of the existence of such works. Especially welcomed will be privately published, locally printed works found only in Russian and other central/eastern European collections both public or private. We welcome all types of unit related publications such as trench journals, unit magazines, souvenir pamphlets, flag presentations, church ceremonies, standing orders, special instructions, etc....


p. 5 Grigorovitch, A. I. “Perechen’ Istorii I Pamiatok Voiskovykh Chastei” St. Petersburg: 1909 – 1910 Part 1: 91 pages Supplement: 97 pages

p. 6 Grigorovitch, A. I. “Perechen’ Istorii I Pamiatok Voiskovykh Chastei” St Petersburg: (Leningrad?): 1933 viii, 96 pages Part 1 only published. Covers Guards, Grenadiers, Infantry, Rifles, Dragoons, Lancers, Hussars and Cossacks “It seems that this is an expanded version of the earlier edition”

p. 6 Maslovsky, C.D. “Bibliographii Polkovykh Istorii V Nikolaevski Adademi General-Shtab” St. Petersburg – Moscow: 1910 – 1928 4 volumes

Volume 1 St. Petersburg, 1910

Volume 2 St. Petersburg, 1911

Volume 3 St. Petersburg, 1912

Volume 4 Moscow, 1928 (typed copy) (Volume 4 covers Volumes 1 & 2)

Imperial Guards - General Works

p.10 # 12 “Vestnik Voisk Gvardii” Edited and published by the Senior Quartermaster of the Guards, 31 / 3 – 27 /8, 1916 : Numbers 1 – 123

p. 10 # 13 “Vestnik Osoboi Armii” Edited and published by the Staff of the Army, 28 /8 – 31/12, 1916 – Numbers 1 – 126

p. 10 # 14 “Vestnik gvardeiskago ob’edineniia” Paris: 1956 – 1967 -- Numbers 1 – 15 -- Semi- annual

p. 10 # 15 Goleevski, Lieutenant-Colonel M. Kexholm Guards Regiment “Materialy Po Istorii Gvardesiskoi Pekhoty I Artillerii V Grazhdanskuiu Voinu 1917 – 1922 gg. Iug Rossii, Krym. Galipoli. Bolgariia.” Belgrade: 1922 2 volumes portraits, maps, 8vo Volume 1: 166 pages Volume 2: 86 pages

p. 10 # 16 Ponomarev “Leib-Gvardii” in : ‘Tsarskii Vestnik” (Belgrade), Issue Number 266, (July 2, 1932) Sketch of the role and work of the Guards in Russian history up to and including World War I.

Imperial Guards - Infantry of the Guard - 1st. Guards Infantry Division

p. 10 #18 “Zhurnal Boevykh Deistvii 1-Oi Gvardeiskoi Pekhotno Divizii Za 1914 G.” Paris: 24 pages

p. 11 #19 “Zhurnal Boevykh Deistvii 1-Oi Gvardeiskoi Pehkohtnoi Dviizii Za 1915 G.” Paris:

Preobrajensky Guards Regiment (Leib-Gvardii Preobrazhenskii Polk)”

p. 14 # 51 Tornau, (Baron) S.A. “S Rodnym Polkom” Berlin: 1923 144 pages The Preobrajensky Guards Regiment in World War I, 1914-1917.

p. 14 # 53 “Preobrazhentsy, Semenovtsy, Bombardiry. 1683 – 1933” Paris: 1933 39 pages

Semenovsky Guards Regiment (Leib-Gvardii Semenovskii Polk)

p. 18 # 87 “Semenovskii Biulleten’” Belgrade, Helsingfors, San Francisco: 1924 – 1950 Numbers 1 – 20 Mainly mimeographed

p. 18 # 88 “Polkovyia Opoveschcheniia” Published by the Regimental Society in emigration. Numbers 1 – 22 Contains memoirs of officers, etc….

p. 18 # 89 “Soobshcheniia” Paris, ( ? ) - 1962 Numbers 1 – 14.

p. 18 # 91 Zaitsov, Colonel A. “Semenovtsy V 1914 Godu.” Helsingfors: 1936 114 pages maps 8vo

p. 18 # 92 Makarov, G. “Moia Sluzhba V Staroi Gvardii. 1905 – 1917.” Buenos Aires: 1951 381 pages 1 portrait Small 8vo

p. 18 # 93 Dyrin, S. “Semenovtsy V 1915, 1916 I 1917 Godakh.” Buenois Aires: 1964 24 pages 8vo

Izmailovsky Guards Regiment (Leib-Gvardii Izmailovskii Polk)

p. 19 # 102 Bretsel, von (Colonel) A. IA., Editor “Izmailovskaia Starina” Alexandria, Egypt: 29 Volumes each averaging about 200 or more pages. Illustrations.

Materials for the history of the regiment, published by the Regimental Society in the 1920’s and 1930’s (exact dates unknown) in very limited editions

Numbers 1 – 25 – 6 – 8 copies

Numbers 26 – 30 – 15 copies

Numbers 27 – 28 – 20 copies

Number 29 was not issued

Number 30 was issued after the death of Colonel Bretsel.


p. 20 # 103 Danilchenko, Colonel (editor) “Izmailovskii Dosug” New York, N.Y.: 19 issues A very limited circulation

p. 20 # 104 Kiselevski, General “Leib-Gvardii Izmailovskii Polk. Dvukhsotletie So Dnia Osnovaniia 1730 -1930.” Paris: 1930

Egersky Guards Regiment (Leib-Gvardii Egerskii Polk)

p. 21 # 115 “Egerski Vestnik.” Belgrade: 1925 – 1938 Numbers 1 – 14 Mimeographed A collection of various materials on the regiment and its history

p. 21 # 116 “Osvedomitel’ Leib-Egerei.” Paris: 1935 – 1938; 1951 – 1966 – Numbers 1 – 50. Published 3 times a year. Mimeographed.

p. 21 # 117 Rotshtein, N. “Sinie Dali.” Tallin: 1938 142 pages

p. 21 # 118 Kamenski, (Captain) V. A. “Leib-Egeria V Voinu 1914-1917 GG. Sobranie Materialov.” Paris: 1954 – 1956 2 Volume, illustrations, maps, plans 4to

Volume 1: iv, 218 pages 1 portrait, 24 photos (on 5 plates), 2 maps, 69 plans

Volume 2: Dopolnenie, iii, 46 pages 6 photos (on 1 plate)

60 Mimeographed copies only

2nd. Guards Infantry Division

p. 21 # 119 “Zhurnal Boevykh Deistvii 2-OI Gvardeiskoi Pekhotnoi Divizii Za 1914 G.” Paris: (?) 24 pages 4 plans 8vo Written and published by the Guards Society Hist. Comm.

p. 21 # 120 “Zhurnal Boevykh Deistvii 2-OI Gvardeiskoi Pekhotno Divizii Za 1915 G.” Paris: 32 pages 1 plan 8vo Written and published by the Guards Society Hist. Comm.

Moscow Guards Regiment (Leib-Gvardii Moskovskii Polk)

p. 22 # 129 “Biulleten’ Ob’edineniia Leib-Gvardii Moskovskago Polka.” Paris: 1931 – 1958 – Numbers 1 – 144 – Mimeographed Published twice annually

Grenadier Guards Regiment (Leib-Gvardii Grenaderskii Polk)

p. 24 # 143 Rusanov, Colonel F. V. “Leib-Gvardii Grenaderskii Polk. 1756 – 30 / III – 1956 G.” New York, N.Y.: 1960 96 pages 12 photos

Finland Guards Regiment (Leib –Gvardii Finliandskii Polk)

p. 27 # 173 “Finliandest: Osvedomitel’nyi Listok Ob’edineniia L.-Gv. Finliandskago Polka.” Paris: Numbers 1 – 40 – 1925 – 1966 – Mimeographed Published approximately twice a year.

p. 28 # 174 Khodnev, Colonel D. “Leib-Gvardii Finliandskii Polk V Velikoi I Grazhdanskoi Voine 1914 – 1920 GG.” Belgrade: 1932 48 pages Small 8vo

3rd. Guards Infantry Division

p. 28 # 176 “Zhurnal Boevykh Deistvii 3-EI Gvardeiskoi Pekhotnoi Divizii Za 1914 G.” Paris: Hist. Comm. Of the 3rd. Guards Infantry Division, 1938 45 pages, maps 8vo.

Kexholm Guards Regiment (Leib-Gvardii Keksgol’mskii Polk)

p. 30 # 192 “Keksgol’mskaia Byl’” Warsaw: 1912-1914 Periodic journal

p. 30 # 193 Adamovich, Major-General B.V. “Trysten. 15/28 – VII – 1916 GOD. Ko Dniu 225-Letiia Leib-Gvardii Keksgol’mskago Polka.” Paris: Siialskoi, 1933 63 pages

Volynsky Guards Regiment (Leib-Gvardii Volynskii Polk)

p. 32 # 209 “Vestnik Volyntsa.” Journal of the regiment published in emigration.

p. 32 # 210 “Pereklichka.” Journal of the regiment published in emigration.

Rifles of the Guard

p. 32 # 211 “Zhurnal Boevykh Deistvii Gvardeiskoi Strelkovoi Brigady Za 1914 G.” Paris: 1936 23 pages 8vo Written and published by the Historical Commission of the Guards Association.

1st. “His Majesty’s” Rifle Guards Regiment (Leib-Gvardii 1 Stretlkovyi Ego Velichestva Polk)

2nd. “TSarskoe Sel” Rifle Guards Regiment (Leib-Gvardii 2 Strelkovyi TSarskoselskii Polk)

p. 33 # 218 Vertsinski, General “Material k istorii Leib-Gvardii 2-go Strelkovago TSarskosel’skago Polka.” [ i Batal’ona. ] Revel. Bulletin of the Regimental Society in emigration.

p. 33 # 219 Vertsinski, Major-General E. A. “God Revoliutsii.” Revel: 1929

p. 33 # 220 Vertsinski, Major-General E. A. “Iz Mirovoi Voiny. Boevye Zapiski Vospominaniia Komandira Polka I Ofitsera General’nago Shtaba Za 1914 – 1917 Gody.” Tallin (Revel): 1931 167 pages Photos, map. Duplicate entry under the 145th. Infantry Regiment, p. 120 Item # 857 “Recollections of General Vertsinski as commander, first of the 145th. “Novocherkasskii” Infantry Regiment and then of the 2nd. “TSarskoe Selo” Rifle Guards Regiment.”

p. 33 # 221 Vertsinski, E.A. “Pamiatnye Dni. Sbornik Vospominanii Gvardeiskikh Strelkov.” Tallin (Revel): 1932 – 1939 3 parts, illustrations (photos) Small 8vo

Part 1: 106 pages 1932

Part 2: 128 pages 1937

Part 3: 130 pages 1939

3rd. “His Majesty’s” Rifle Guards Regiment (Leib-Gvardii Strelkovyi Ego Velischestva Polk)

p. 34 # 226 Glindski, Colonel V.P. “Boevaia Letopis’ Leib-Gvardii 3-Go Strelkovago Ego-velischestva Polka. 19 Iijunia 1914 – 2 Marta 1917.” Paris: 1935 39 pages 4 illustrations

Cavalry of the Guard

1st. Guards Cavalry Division

Chevalier Guardes Regiment of Her Majesty Empress Maria Feodorovna (Kavalergardskii Eia Velichestva Gosudaryni Imperatritsy Marii Federovny Polk)

p. 36 # 247 Panchulidzev, S. I. “Sbornik Biografii Kavalergardov.. 1724 – 1908 gg.” St. Petersburg: 1901 – 1908 4 Volumes portraits, illustrations Folio

Volume 1: 1724 – 1762 xvi, 370 pages 45 portraits, 99 illustrations

Volume 2: 1762 – 1801 470 pages, 101 portraits, 27 illustrations

Volume 3: 1801 – 1825 x, 402 pages 147 portraits, 8 illustrations

Volume 4: 1826 – 1908 xiv, 436 pages 522 portraits, 15 illustrations

Supplement to Panchulidzev, S. I. “Istoriia Kavalergardov. 1724 – 1799 – 1899….” St. Petersburg: 1899 – 1912. 4 Volumes Folio plates, colour plates, illustrations, maps, plans

p. 37 # 251 “Vestnik Kavalergardskoi Sem’i.” Paris: 1938 – 1965 (not issued 1941 – 1950) 18 issues ( to 1965 ). Published annually. Mimeographed.

p. 37 # 252 “Proshloe Kavalergardov.” Paris: 1921 8 pages 4to

p. 37 # 253 Rosen, Colonel Baron K. N. “Svetloi Pamiati Nezabvennago Avgusteishago Shef A Kavalergardov.” Paris: Izd. Kavalergardskoi Sem’I, Oct. 1929 20 pages Portrait 8vo

p. 37 # 254 Zvegintsov, V. N. “Kavalergardy V Velikuiu I Grazhdanskuiu Voinu 1914 – 1920 God.” Paris: E. Siialskoi, 1936 – 1938 2 Volumes: 1914 – 1915. Portraits, illustrations, plans, maps, table Small 8vo Volumes 3 and 4 published in installments in “Vestnik Kavalergardskoi Sem’i.” 300 copies published.

Horse Guards Regiment

(Leib-Gvardii Konnyi Polk)

p. 39 # 271 “Vestnik Soiuza Konnogvardeitsev.” Paris: 1932 – 1935 Edited by Colonel V.F. Kozlianinov Four annual issues were published: 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935.

p. 39 # 272 “Vestnik Konnogvardeiskago Ob”edineniia.” Paris: 1953 – 1966 – Numbers 1 – 14 Mimeographed Published irregularly (approximately annually).

p. 39 # 273 Kozlianinov, (Fligel-Adjutant Colonel) V. F. “Iubileinaia Pamiatka Konnogvardeitsa. 1730 – 1930, 1706 – 1931.” Paris: Privately published by the Grand Duke Dimitri,1931 36, 87 pages, plates, colour plates, illustrations, colour illustrations, sketches, tables, etc… Large 8vo 500 copies published. (Numbers 1 – 250 gift copies, 251 – 500 sale copies)

pp. 39 – 40 # 274 “Istoriia Leib-Gvardii Konnago Polka.” Paris: 1938 – 1966 3 Volumes and an Album of illustrations. Colour plates, illustrations, colour illustrations, maps, plans, etc…. Folio

Based on a manuscript of Colonel Duke George Nicolaevitch von Leuchtenberg, covering the period to 1881. Editors in succession:

Leuchtenberg, Colonel Duke G. N. von

Pavlovitch, Grand Duke Dimitri

Kozlianinov, Fligel-Adjutant Colonel V. F.

Tutchkov, Captain A.P.

Volume 1: 1706 – 1801 1938 250 pages, 21 plates, 14 colour plates, 29 illustrations 12 colour illustrations and 4 colour illuminations ( 85 copies published )

Volume 2: 1801 – 1894 1966 216 pages, 1 plate, 5 colour plates, 12 illustrations, 5 colour illustrations, 3 plans Folio (125 copies published)

Volume 3: 1894 – Emigration 1964 337 pages, 5 plates, 3 colour plates, 18 illustrations, 5 maps or plans on separate plates, 12 maps and plans in text (200 copies published)

Illisutratsii [ Illustrations ]: 1961 45 colour plates, 1 map, 186/7 plates (containing hundreds of illustrations). Large Folio, containing 12 folders of illustrated plates (under 12 different subject headings) and an explanatory booklet. (300 copies published)

His Majesty’s Cuirassier Guards Regiment (Leib-Gvardii Kirasirskii Ego Velichestva Polk)

p. 41 # 286 Goshtovt, G.A. “Kirasiry Ego Velichestva V Velikuiu Voinu.” Paris: 1938 – 1944 3 volumes, portraits, illustrations, maps, (part folding), tables

Volume 1: 1914 – 1915. 1938 222 pages

Volume 2: 1915 1942 216 pages

Volume 3: 1916 – 1917

1918 – 1920

1920 – 1944 1944 367 pages

p. 41 # 287 “Kirasiry Ego Velichestva, 1902 – 1914” Washington, D.C.: 1949 186 pages Portraits, illustrations, plans, tables 555 / 55 copies published

Her Majesty’s Cuirassier Guards Regiment (Leib-Gvardii Kirasirskii Eia Velichestva Polk)

p. 42 # 292 Baumgarten, Colonel A. and Staff – Captain A. Litvinov “Pamiatka Kirasirov Eia Velichestva Za Vremia Grazhdanskoi Voiny.” Berlin: 1927 114, lxxxix pages 2 portraits Large 8vo

p. 42 # 293 Goshtovt, A. “Dnevnik Kavaleriisk Ago Ofitsersa.” Paris: 1931 192 pages 12mo

p. 42 # 294 Galich, Iu. “Sinie Kirasiry-Leib Regiment.” Riga, Latvia: 1936 414 pages A novel!

p. 42 # 295 Goshtovt, Captain G. A. “Opisanie Deistvii Kirasirov Eia Velichestva V Voine 1914 – 1917 Godov.” Munich: 1956 204 pages, illustrations, maps

p. 43 # 296 Pleshkov, M. M. “Moi Vospominaniia.” Munich: Society of Her Majesty’s Curiassiers, 1959 65 pages, 10 illustrations 8vo

p. 43 # 297 Svechin, Lieutenant-General M. “Zapiski Starago Generala O Bylom.” Nice, France: 1964 205 pages 18 illustrations 8vo

His Majesty’s Cossack Guards Regiment (Leib-Gvardii Kazachii Ego Velischestva Polk)

p. 44 # 306 “Pod Seniiu Mal’tiiskago Kresta.” Yugoslavia Only a few issues published. Artistic presentation. Periodical

p. 44 # 307 Oprits, Major-General I. N. “Leib-Gvardii Kazachii Ego Velichestva Polk v Gody Revoliutsii I Grazhdanskoi Voiny 1917 – 1920.” Paris: 1939 365 pages illustrations 400 copies published

p. 44 # 308 “Muzei Leib-Gvardii Kazach’Ego Ego Velichestva Polka.” New York: 8 pages, photos, sketches by Samokish Pubished in Russian, French and English.

2nd. Guards Cavalry Division Horse-Grenadier Guards Regiment (Leib-Gvardii Konno-Grenaderskii Polk)

p. 46 # 327 Stepanovich, P. and K. Stepanovich “Obshchestvo Starykh Ofitserov Leib-Gvardii Konno-Grenaderskago Polka. 1651 – 1926 gg.” 1926 7 pages

p. 46 # 328 Stepanovich, P, and K. Stepanovich “Varshava 1831 – 1931 gg.” Paris: 1931 16 pages, Portrait of Grand Duke Constantine Pavlovich

pp. 46 – 47 # 331 Skuratov, K. N. (Volumes 1 – 5) and Skriabin, A. (Volume 6) “Mirnoe I Boevoe Proshloe L.-GV. Konno-Grenaderskago Polka (Materialy K Ego Istorii).” Paris, New York: 1938 – 1961 6 volumes, photos, illustrations, maps, plans, tables, etc…. 4to

Volume 1: 1825 – 1855, 2nd. edt. Paris: 1938 262, 41 pages (100 copies published)

Volume 2: 1855 – 1881 Paris: 1940 431, 75 pages (100 copies published)

Volume 3: 1881 – 1894 Paris: 1940 334, 28 pages (54 copies published)

Volume 4: 1894 – 1905 Paris: 1946 333, 16 pages (100 copies published)

Volume 5: 1905 – 1914 New York: 1951 286, 20 pages (? copies published)

Volume 6: 1914 - …. Paris: 1961 (in progress) 304 pages

This work is a collection of materials for the history of the Regiment, rather than the history itself.

p. 47 # 332 Voronovich, N. “Vsevidiashchee Oko. Iz Byta Russkoi Armii.” New York: 1951 75 pages illustrations Small 8vo

Dragoon Guards Regiment (Leib-Gvardii Dragunskii Polk)

p. 49 # 351 “Pamiatka Leib-Gvardii Dragunskago Polka.” St. Petersburg: 1914 illustrations Centenary (1814- 1914) publication. Distributed to all officers, lower ranks and guests at jubilee celebrations

p. 49 # 352 “Leib-Draguny Doma I Na Voine.” Paris: 1928 – 1931 4 parts 143 pp, 136 pp, 142 pp, 141 pp. 12mo. Memoirs of regimental officers

His Majesty’s Hussar Guards Regiment (Leib-Gvardii Gusarskii Ego Velichestva Polk)

p. 50 # 359 Roop, Lieutenant S. Kh. “Sokrashchennaia Istoriia Leib-Gvardii Gusarskago Ego Velichestva Polka.” Paris: 1955 2 volumes portraits, 4to Mimeographed

Volume 1: 1775 – 1857 (Abridgement of Manzei’s history [ i.e. Manzei, Fligel-Adjutant Colonel A. K. 1775 – 1857 published in 1859 St. Petersburg 3 parts and supplementary volume ]

Volume 2: 1856 – 1920 [ ? ]

His Majesty’s Lancer Guards Regiment (Leib-Gvardii Ulanskii Ego Velischestva Polk)

p. 51 # 370 “Soveshchaniia Stareishikh Ulan.” Belgrade: 1937 Regimental bulletin.

p. 52 # 371 “Ulany Ego Velichestva. 1876 – 1926” Belgrade: 1926 ii, 64, 1 p. 1 portrait (photo), 7 illustrations, map, table, plus a large chart of the organization and history of the regiment on a large separate plate. Mimeographed. Written and published by the Regimental Society under the Presidency of Major-General Makiev.

p. 52 # 372 Nosovich, Major-General A. L. “Ulany Ego Velichestva. 1876 – 1926 gg. Imperator Aleksandr Vtoroi-Imperator Nikolai Vtoroi.” 7 pages Unpublished manuscript

p. 52 # 373 Agapeev, Lieutenant-General V. “Leib-Gvardii Ulanskii Ego Velichestva Polk V Velikuiu I Grazhdanskuiu Voinu. Kratkoe Proshloe Polka V Emigratsii.” Edited by the Regimental Association. Belgrade: Maps, plans Rewritten by Major-General A. Nosovich; edited by Major-General Baron Pritwitz (Nice: 1962 – 1963) Maps, plans Unpublished manuscript, 5 copies

Artillery of the Guard

1st. Guards Artillery Brigade (Leib-Gvardii I Artilleriiskaia Brigada)

p. 54 # 388 Burmeister, von. N. I. “Leib-Gvardii bombardirskaia Rota.” Lyon: 1933

Artillery of the Guard

2nd. Guards Artillery Brigade - … 3rd. Battery

p. 54 # 400 “Istoriia Leib-Gvardii 2-Oi Artilleriiskoi Brigady.” Belgrade: 1931

p. 54 # 401 Akkerman, von Major-General “Leib-Gvardii 2-Ia Artilleriiskaia Brigada.” Paris: Brigade Society 1933 133 pages Numerous illustrations

Artillery of the Guard

3rd. Guards Artillery Brigade – (Leib-Gvardii III Artilleriiskaia Brigada)


6th. Battery

p. 56 # 407 “Opoveshcheniia po Ob”edineniiu Leib-Gvardii 3-ei Artilleriiskoi Brigady.” Journal published by Brigade Society in emigration.

Sappers of the Guard

Guards Sapper Regiment [ Battalion ] (Leib-Gvardii Sapernyi Polk)

p. 59 # 424 Maevski, V. “Gvardeiskie Sapery.” Novyi Sad, Yugoslavia: c. 1937 vii, 205 pages

p. 59 # 425 Maevski, V. “Minuvshee….” Novyi Sad, Yugoslavia: 1941 213 pages illustrations

p. 59 # 426 Maevski, V. “V Siianii Slavy” Novyi Sad, Yugoslavia: 19 - 120 pages

Units Not On the Lists of the Imperial Guards

Palace Grenadier Company (Rota Dvortsovykh Grenader)

p. 59 # 429 Lukash, I. V. “Dvortsovye Grenadery.” Paris: 1928

His Majesty’s Personal Escort Regiment (Sobstvennyi Ego Imperatorskago Velichestva Knovoi)

p. 60 # 433 Galushkin, Colonel N.V. “Sobstvennyi Ego Imperatorskago Velichestva Konvoi” San Francisco: 1961 [ 1964 ] 410 pages 1 Colour plate, 82 plates and a supplement of 10 plates, chart 4to 500 copies published

Equipage of the Guard (Gvardeiskii Ekipazh)

p. 60 # 439 “Pamiatka Gvardeiskago Ekipazha” Paris: 1930

p. 60 # 440 Taube, First Lieutenant Baron G. N. “Opisanie Deistvii Gvardeiskago Ekipazha Na Sushe I Na More V Voinu 1914 – 17 gg.” New York, N.Y.: 1944 36 pages, 2 portraits, 1 diagram, 1 map, illustrations


Grenadiers of the Line –


13th.”Erivanskii” Life-Grenadier Regiment of His Majesty

p. 69 # 491 “Erivanskaia Letopis’.” Paris: 1933 – 1934 Numbers 1 – 4 Material for the history of the regiment. Periodical published in emigration.

p. 70 # 492 Popov, K. “Vospominaniia Kavkazskago Grenadera 1914 – 1920.” Belgrade 1925 282 pages

p. 70 # 493 Popov, K. “G.G. Ofitsery, Ocherk.” Paris: 1929 116 pages

p. 70 # 494 Popov, K. “Khram Slavy.” Paris: 1931 2 volumes illustrations

p. 70 # 495 Bobrovski, General P. O. “Istoriia 13-Go Leib-Grenaderskago Erivanskago Polka.” Paris: 1942 382 pages

p. 70 # 496 Brunelli, Colonel P. and Colonel V. Shidelski “Letopis’ Vremennykh 1642 – 1942 Let. Tsaria Mikhaila Feodorovicha 13 –Go Leib-Grenaderskago Ereivanskago Ego Velischestva Polka.” Paris: 1942 20 pages

p. 70 # 497 Brunelli, Colonel P. and Colonel V. Shidelski “Letopis’ Vremennykh 1642-1942 Let. Tsaria Mikhaila Feodorovicha 13-Go Leib-Grenaderskago Erivanskago Ego Velichestva Polka. 2nd. edition.” Paris: 1946 32 pages

p. 70 # 498 Popov, K. “Leib-Erivantsy V Velikoi Voine.” Paris: 1959 246 pages Portraits, illustrations, reproductions, maps Materials for the history of the regiment.

Grenadier-Artillery of the Line

Grenadier-Artillery Brigade

p. 72 # 510 Kazmin, A.V. “Kavkazskaia Greanderskaia Artilleriiskaia Brigada V Voinu 1914-17 gg.” 32 pages illustrations

Infantry of the Line


8th. “Estliandskii” Infantry Regiment

p. 77 # 530 Gulevich, Captain S.A. “Istoriia 8-Go Pekhotnago Estliandskago Polka (1478 – 1911 gg.)” St. Petersburg: 1911 415, lxii pp. Portraits, plates, colour plates, illustrations, frontispiece, charts, tables Folio

25th. “Smolenskii” Infantry Regiment of General Raevsky

p. 83 # 575 Maksutov, Prince V. P. “Istoriia 25-Go Pekhotnago Smolenskago Polka.” Warsaw, Poland: 1929

81st. “Apsheronskii” Infantry Regiment of Empress Catherine the Great and of His Imperial Highness Grand Duke George Mikhailovitch

p. 103 # 728 Ivanov, V. “Boi 81-Go Pekhotnago Apsheronskago Imperatritsy Ekateriny Velikoi I Ego Imperatorskago Vysochestva Velikago Kniazai Georgiia Mikhailovicha Polka 20 – Go Avgusta 1914 – Go Goda U Sel.” Belgrade: 1933

p. 103 # 729 “Pamiatka 81-Go Pekhotnago Imperatritsy Ekateriny Velikoi I Velikago Kniazia Georgiia Mikhailovicha Apsheronskago Polka. 1700 – 1933.” 1933

93rd. “Irkutskii” Infantry Regiment of His Imperial Highness Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovitch

p. 107 # 756 Sosnovski, Captain “Istoriia 93-Go Pekhotnago Irkutskago Polka.” Edited by S. A.Gulevich. St. Petersburg: 1914 645, 27, 68 pp. charts, illustrations (music), plans, plates, portraits Folio Covers the period 1785 – 1913.

169th. “Novo-Trokskii” Infantry Regiment

p. 125 # 896 Filimonov, B.B. “Novorzhevtsy. Pokhod V Vostochnuiu Prussiiu 1914 – 1915 gg. 169- YI Pekh. Novorzhevskii Polk.” Shanghai: 1949

Rifles of the Line

12th. Rifle Regiment

p. 132 # 952 Khrushchov “Spisok Ofitserov 12-Go Strelkovago Polka S 1855 Po 1910 gg.” Kiev: 1910 385 pages 12mo

14th. Rifle Regiment of General-Field Marshall Gurko

p. 132 # 955 Danilov, Colonel G. A. “Istoriia 14-Go Strelkovago Generala-Fel’dmarshala Gurko Polka. 1856 – 1906 gg.” Odessa: Tip. Shtaba Okruga, 1911 464, 11, 19 pp. 12 plates of illustrations 4to

Cavalry of the Line

General Works

p. 141 # 1017 Markov “Istoriia Konnitsy” Tver, 1886 3 parts

p. 141 # 1018 Sakharov, V. “Istoriia Konnitsy” St. Petersburg: 1889 Used as a textbook for Officers’ Cavalry School

p. 141 # 1020 Volynski, N.P. “Postepennoe Razvitie Russkoi Reguliarnoi Konnitsy V eEpokhu Velikago Petra S Samym Podrobnym Opisaniem Uchastiia Eia v Velikoi Severnoi Voine.” St. Petersburg: A. S. Suvorin 1912 –

2nd. Cavalry Division

p. 142 # 1022 Division Staff “Pamiatnye Knizhki 2-Oi Kavaleriiskoi Divizii Na 1913 God.” Suvalki: 1913

10th. Cavalry Division

p. 142 # 1024 Slivinski, A. “Konnyi Boi 10-Oi Kavaleriiskoi Divizii Generala Grafa Kellera 8/21 Avgusta 1914 – Go Goda U D. Iaroslavitse …. “ Serbia: 1921 56 pages watercolours and drawings

Cavalry of the Line - Dragoons

4th. “Novotroitsko-Ekaterinoslavskii” Dragoon Regiment of General-Field Marshall Prince Potemkin-Tavricheski

p. 144 # 1038 Agafonov, Lieutenant-Colonel K. K. “Letopis’ Novotroitsko-Ekaterinoslavskikh Dragun.” St. Petersburg: 1908 3 parts 8vo

Part 1: 1708 – 1801 351 pages

Part 2: 1801 – 1876

Part 3: 1876 – 1908 490 pages

12th. “Starodubovskii” Dragoon Regiment

p. 147 # 1053 Martynov, Captain “Istoriia 12-Go Dragunskago Starodubovskago Polka. 1783 – 1906 gg.” St. Petersburg: 1908 244, 75 pages Folio

14th. “Malorossiiskii” Dragoon Regiment

p. 148 # 1064 Slabchenko, M.E. “Malorusskii Polk V Administrativnom Otnoshenii: Istoriko-Iuridicheskii Ocherk.” Odessa: Tip. ‘Tekhnik’ 1909 436 pages

17th. “Nizhegorodskii” Dragoon Regiment of His Majesty

p. 149 # 1071 Potto, Major-General V. “Istoriia 44-Go [ sic ] Dragunskago Nizhegorodskago Ego Imperatorskago Vysochestva Naslednika Tsesarevicha Polka” St. Petersburg: 1892 – 1911 11 Volumes 60 plates, 15 colour plates, illustrations

Volume 1: 1701 – 1723 1892 …..


Volume 10: 1880 – 1895 1895, vi, 116, 4, 16, 72 pages 35 illustrations, 16 plates

Volume 11: 1895 - ?

20th. “Finliandskii” Dragoon Regiment

p. 150 # 1079 “Finliandskie Draguny – Vospominaniia” San Francisco: 1959 405 pages Portraits, illustrations Memoirs of the officers of the regiment. History of the regiment mainly in World War I.

Cavalry of the Line – Lancers

3rd. “Smolenskii” Lancer Regiment of Emperor Alexander III

p. 152 # 1085 Godunov, Lieutenant-Colonel V. and Lieutenant A. Korolev “Istoriia 3-Go Ulanskago Smolenskago Imperatora Aleksandra III–Go Polka. 1708 – 1908 gg.” Libau: Libavskii Vestnik 1908 xi, 331, 113 pages Portraits, plates, illustrations, maps, plans Small folio

10th. “Odesskii” Lancer Regiment

p. 154 # 1099 Sokolovski, M. K. “Istoricheskii Ocherk 10-Go Ulanskago Odesskago Polka (1812 – 1912 gg.)” St. Petersburg: 1912 ii, 471 pages 4to

12th. “Belgorodskii” Lancer Regiment

p. 154 # 1107 Baidak, Colonel A. A. “Uchastie Belgorodskikh Ulan V Grazhdanskoi Voine 1917 – 1920 gg.” Belgrade: 1931 45 pages 3 photos Small 8vo

p. 155 # 1108 Toriannikov, H. “Istoriia 12-Go Ulanskago Belgorodskago Polka, 1701 – 1939 gg. “ Belgrade, c. 1939

Cavalry of the Line – Hussars

1st. “Sumskii” Hussar Regiment of General Seslavin

p. 156 # 1114 Golodolinski, Captain P. P. “Istoriia 3-Go Dragunskago Sumskago Ego Korolevskago Vysochestva Naslednago Printsa Datskago Polka.” Moscow: I. N. Koushnerev and Co. 1902 3 volumes illustrations, colour illustrations 4to

Volume I: 1651 – 1796 i, 122 pp. 11 plates, 4 colour plates, 25 illustrations, 3 maps

Volume II: 1796 – 1813 165 pages, 5 colour plates, 8 plates, 26 illustrations, 9 maps

Volume III: 1813 – 1902 111 pages, 6 colour plates, 8 plates, 26 illustrations, 2 maps, Appendix: 44 pages

180 copies published

p. 156 # 1115 Brant, A. “Ot Nemana Do Moskvy I Ot Moskvy Do Parizha” Moscow: 1912 28 pages 2 plates of illustrations 8vo

p. 156 # 1116 “1-YI Gusarskii Sumskii Polk” Album of portraits [ photos? ] of the officers of the regiment [ no date in Lyons ]

p. 156 # 1117 “Biulleten ‘ Ob”edineniia Sumkikh Gusar.” Numbers 1 – 3, 1939

p. 156 # 1118 “Sumskie Gusary. 1651 – 1951 gg.” Buenos Aires: 1954 322 pages Plates, maps, tables 200 copies published

p. 156 # 1119 Littauer, Captain V. S. “Russian Hussar” London: 1965 312 pages, 28 plates, 4 maps 8vo

7th. “Belorusskii” Hussar Regiment of Emperor Alexander I

p. 158 # 1136 “Sbornik Rzilichnykh Punktov Prikazov I Prikazanii Po 21-Mu Dragunskomu Belorusskomu Polku” St. Petersburg: 1907 vi, 111 pages 8vo [ a Hussar regiment’s standing orders from 1907 ]

8th. “Lubenskii” Hussar Regiment

p. 159 # 1142 Burski, Captain I. “Istoriia 8-Go Gusarskago Lubenskago Polka. (1807 – 1907 gg.)” Odessa: 1913 678 pages Folio

10th. ‘Ingermanlandskii” Hussar Regiment

p. 160 # 1151 Genishta, V. I. and Borisevich, A. T. “Istoriia 3-Go Dragunskago Ingermanlandskago Polka, 1704 – 1904” St. Petersburg: 1904 – 1906 2 Volumes 4to

Volume 1: 1704 – 1825 264, 119 pages 6 plate, 3 maps ( Genishta )

Volume 2: 1825 – 1904 342, 42 pages ( Borisevich )

p. 160 # 1152 Cheslavski, Colonel V. “67 Boev 10-Go Gusarskago Ingermanlandskago Polka V Mirovuiu Voinu V 1914 – 1917 Godakh.” Chicago: Russian Review, 1937 396 pages, maps, plans, illustrations

p. 160 # 1153 “Ocherki I Rasskazy. Vospominaniia O 10-Om Gusarskom Ingermanlandskom Polke” Buenos Aires: 1953

12th. “Akhtyrskii” Hussar Regiment of General Denis Davydov, later of Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna

p. 161 # 1163 Skachkov, V. “Istoriia 12-Go Gusarskago Akhtyrskago Polka, 1656 – 1958.” Sao Paulo (Brazil) c. 1958 Unpublished manuscript

17th. “Chernigovskii” Hussar Regiment of His Imperial Highness Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovitch

p. 163 # 1171 Srebrianski, M.V. “Dnevnik Iz Vremen Russko-Iaponskoi Voiny Sviashchennika 51-Go Dr. Nyne 17–Go Gusarskago Chernigovskago Eia Imperatorskago Vysochestva Vel. Kn. Elisavety Feodorovny Polka.” 2nd. edition Moscow: 1912 321 pages 8vo

Cavalry of the Line – Separate Regiments

Crimean Horse Regiment of Her Majesty Empress Alexandra Feodorovna (Krymskii Konnyi)

p. 164 # 1178 Bako, Colonel “Krymskii Konnyi Eia Velichestva Gosudaryni Imperatritsy Aleksandry Feodorovny Polk. (1784 – 1934). 1900 – XXV – 1934” Paris: Chasovoi [ 1934 ] 20 pages Portraits

Cavalry of the Line – Native Regiments

Dagestan Horse Regiment (Dagestanskii Konnyi)

p. 164 # 1179 Kozubski, E. I. “Istoriia Dagestanskago Konnago Polka.” Petrovsk: 1909 621, 130 pages Folio

Tekin Horse Regiment (Tekinskii Konnyi)

p. 164 # 1181 Khadzhiev, Khan “Velikii Boiar – Gen. Kornilov” Belgrade: 1929 History of the Tekin Horse Regiment

Cossack Cavalry

General Works

p. 164 # 1182 Benkendorf, General de C. “Des Cosaques Et Leur Utilite a La Guerre. Memoires Rediges Et Presentes A L’Emp. De Russie, En 1816. Translated from the German” Paris: Anselin: 1831 viii, 65 pages

p. 165 # 1183 Khorochkin, Colonel “Kazachie Voiska” St. Petersburg: 1881

p. 165 # 1184 Abaza, K. K. “Kazaki, Dontsy, Ural’tsy, Kubantsy, Tertsy, Ocherki Iz Istorii I Starodavniago Kazatskogo Byta ….” St. Petersburg: 1899 ii, 368 pages illustrations, vignettes

2nd. Combined Cossack Division (16 Don Cossacks, 17 Don Cossacks, 1st Kuban Cossacks, 1st Terek Cossacks)

p. 165 # 1185 Tikhotski, Colonel E. “Ataka Avstro-Vengerskoi Konnitsy Na 2-Uiu Svodnuiu Kazachuiu Diviziiu Pod M. Gorodok 4 – 17 Avgusta 1914 g.” Belgrade: Tip. I. Popova 24 pages Photo, plan Brochure

1st. Caucasian-Cossack Division

( 1st. “Kubanskii” Kuban Cossacks; 1st “Umanskii” Kuban Cossacks; 1st. ‘Zaporozhskii” Kuban Cossacks; “1st. “Gorsko-Mozkokskii” Terek Cossacks )

p. 165 # 1188 “1-Aia Kavkazskaia Kazach’ia Diviziia – Sarykamysh. 29-Go Sentiabria 1915 G.” Tiflis: 1915 An album of mounted photographs of an inspection by the Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaievitch [ the inspection being on September 29, 1915 ]

3rd. Don Cossack Regiment of Ermak Timofeevich

p. 166 # 1193 Pokrovski, A. “3-II Donskoi Kazachii Ermaka Timofeeva Polk. Proshloe za sto let.” Vilna: 1910 117 pages 8vo

26th. Don Cossack Regiment

p. 167 # 1196 Lonlay, Dick de “L’Armee Russe En Campagne. Souvenirs De Guerre Et De Voyage Par Un Volontaire Du 26e Regiment De Cosaques Du Don.” Paris: 1888 364 pages 20 plates 8vo

Kuban Cossacks

p. 167 # 1202 Shcherbina, F. “Istoriia Kubanskago Kazach’iago Voiska.” Moscow: 1910 – 1913 2 Volumes

Volume 1: xv, 700, v, 9 pages 49 illustrations

Volume 2: [ ? ]

Astrakhan Cossacks

p. 170 # 1216 Biriukov, Colonel I. A. “Istoriia Astrakhanskago Kazach’iago Voiska.” Saratov: 1911 3 Volumes maps, illustrations, plans, portraits 4to

Volume 1: vii, 630, 51, 7, 5, v pp.

Volume 2: 849, 58, 48, 13, 12, 4, 10, 3, 4, 16 pp.

Volume 3: 974, 25 pp.

Orenburg Cossacks

p. 170 # 1220 “Orenburgskii Kazak. Sbornik Posviashchennyi Voiskovomu Prazdniku Orenburgskago Kazachiago Voiska.” Harbin, China: 1937 – 1938 2 Volumes illustrations, maps 4to

Volume 1: 96 + pp.

Volume 2: 64 + pp.

Ural Cossacks

p. 171 # 1222 Zheleznov, G. I. “Uraltsy: Ocherki Byta Ural’skikh Kazakov.” Edited by N. A. Borodin.

2nd. edition: 1888 3rd. edition: 1910 St. Petersburg: 1910 3 volumes

Volume 1: lxxiv, 397 pages

Volume 2: 452 pages

Volume 3: 439 pages

Siberian Cossacks

p. 172 # 1233 Berezovski, E. P. (editor) “Sibirskii Kazak. Voiskovi Iubileinnyi Sbornik Sibirskago Kazach’iago Voiska. 1582 – 6 / XII – 19 / XII – 1932 g.” Harbin, China: 1934 – 1941 2 Volumes plates, illustrations, maps, plans 4to

Volume 1: 1582 – 1914 307 pages, 25 plates, illustrations

Volume 2: 1914 – 1917 342 pages, 18 plates, 19 maps and plans, illustrations

1st. Siberian Cossack Regiment of Ermak Timofeev

p. 172 # 1236 Simonov, N.A. “Kratkaia Istoriia No. 1-Go Sibirskago Kazach’iago ermaka Timofeeva Polka.” Omsk: 1907 25, 163, iii pp. 8vo

3rd. Siberian Cossack Regiment

p. 172 # 1237 Tarykin, A.P. “Istoriia 3-Go Sibirskago Kazach’iago Polka.” Omsk: 1912 14, 229 pages 4to

Trans-Baikal Cossacks

p. 173 # 1238 Shil’nikov, Major-General “Zabaikal’skie Kazachi’ Diviziony V Velikoi Voine 1914 -1 1918 gg.”

p. 173 # 1239 Makovkin, A.E. “1-Yi Nerchinskii Polk Zabaikal’skago Kazach’iago Voiska. 1898 – 1906 gg.” St. Petersburg: Vilborg, 1907 212 pages 8vo

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Thanks for posting. That must hae taken some time to compile!

I started trying to learn Russian a few years ago, but as I didn't have any native Russian speakers to talk to I soon stopped. Wish I hadn't.



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You are welcome Robert and Grant and thank you for the compliments. Lyons's work as stated in the original post is still used in Russia today as the most important bibliographical tool. Hopefully though this will change in part inspired by this topic thread. Someone perhaps a Russian history or information science(old librarianship remember?)graduate student will greatly expand and update the work or even create an entirely new Russian unit history bibliography. It would be great as well to distinguish unit histories that focus on just certain campaigans such as Borodino, Napoleonic, Crimean, Russo-Turkish and Russo-Japanese, Civil War. I do hope that people around the world start posting additions and corrections to this thread as by doing so people will recognize that such literature is available if not so nearly in such great quantities of course as Western Front unit histories and memoir literature.



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Wish there was more on the Russian Army in English.... apart from Cornish's book all I've got is "The Russian Army from Within" by "One Who knows from the Inside", and that was published in 1914. Presumably it was to let people know who these erstwhile dubious people were once they had taken their eyes off our Indian Empire.


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The British illustrated newspaper "The Sphere" had a constant special correspondent who actually was given an honourary officer's commission in a Russian line infantry regiment and wrote about his Russian war experiences in depth and served with them throughout the war from 1914 up until late 1917 (after the October Revolution) when things became too hot even for him. Many of his articles and photos were published in "The Sphere." Major-General Knox also wrote a 2 volume memoir of his services as a British military liasion and attache in Russia during the war. An American medical officer was given the rank of Colonel and wrote in English about his medical experiences with a front line infantry regiment. His memoir has been digitized and is available to download and also is readable for free online. Also some Russian women soldiers and/or nurses had their memoirs published in English in the latter 1920's and 1930's. Captain Littauer's memoir was published in the 1960's in English as well.

Hope this helps you redress that imbalance of these Indian envy Russkies!


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There is also the British War Office's Intelligence Division's 'Handbook on the Russian Army' of 1914 This covers the pre-war army as it existed on the even of the war and which book is quite detailed, fairly accurate and well organized.


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Thanks. Wish we'd let 'em hang on to Afghanistan for us.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Lyons's 1968 Bibliography does not specifically state which transliteration he used. As an American one can only presume that the Library of Congress transliteration from the Cyrllic to the Roman alphabet was used. His work does NOT use the Cyrllic alphabet.

Lyons specifically EXCLUDED the voluminuous pre-1914 and large emigre periodical or serial literature as well as memoir literature that did NOT exclusively cover a specific unit, admitting to the latter that many memoirs existed that cover both a unit and other matters or units.

Lyons's bibliography needs to be greatly expanded, updated and revised of course. It is possible that someone in Russia or elsewhere is in fact doing this but I am currently not aware of this.

Hope this helps.

John [ aka Ivan ]

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Sukhovilov, I. "Zhizn' Bez Tsaria." in: "Russkaia Letopis" Tome 6,(Paris, France): Russkii Ochag 1924 pp. 167 - 217 [ "Life without the Tsar" ]

125th. Kurskii Regiment

Deals with life in the trenches and atrocities towards civilians



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  • 1 month later...

Thank you John for this list.

I found Andrei Lobanov-Rostovsky's "The Grinding Mill" (Macmillan, 1935), useful because not only does it mention his training, but he was also attached to the Russian brigades in Salonika and the Western Front.

I picked up a copy of Lyons' book several years ago and also found it very useful. Some of the regimental histories mentioned in it can be found (and downloaded) on the Russian State Library's website, http://old.rsl.ru. However you will need to type in the keyword in Cyrillic rather than English.

Hope this helps.


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I would love to know what Russian unit(s) my grandfather's unit was facing off against when he was shot. On September 23, 1915 my grandfather was with 4. Batterie, Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 47 south of Maniewicze, Russia, when he caught a bullet in the leg. Any chance this book might shed some light on that?


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Lyons book will NOT help you with ORDERS of BATTLE and/or actual tactical field dispositions - you will need to access the Moscow military historical archives for this - massive and just starting to be extensively used for WWI. You might get a Moscow grad student who might for a fee dip into them for you.

John (aka IVAN!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would love to know what Russian unit(s) my grandfather's unit was facing off against when he was shot. On September 23, 1915 my grandfather was with 4. Batterie, Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 47 south of Maniewicze, Russia, when he caught a bullet in the leg. Any chance this book might shed some light on that?



I don't know where you have started on this, but poking through Der Weltkrieg 1914 bis 1918 might tell you something, at least what was going on in the area, or if nothing was mentioned a suggestion that nothing in particular was going on. I think the series has about 4000 oversized pages on the eastern fighting.


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  • 2 weeks later...


I don't know where you have started on this, but poking through Der Weltkrieg 1914 bis 1918 might tell you something, at least what was going on in the area, or if nothing was mentioned a suggestion that nothing in particular was going on. I think the series has about 4000 oversized pages on the eastern fighting.


Hi Bob,

Thanks so much for the suggestion. I will check that out and I will also struggle my way through the Unit History I have to see what I can learn.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear John G,

I am new to this forum, in fact the reason i found it was by googling my grandfathers name. I live in Norway, and my grandfather escape to this country during the event of 1920 in Archangel. Recent years i also found the family in Russia. It was so nice to see someone refer to his diary on the net.

:) , and i look forward to enjoy the richness of this forum. I hope i can contribute whit some to.

Grandson of Ivan Sukhovilov (life whitout the Tzar)


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Dear John G,

I am new to this forum, in fact the reason i found it was by googling my grandfathers name. I live in Norway, and my grandfather escape to this country during the event of 1920 in Archangel. Recent years i also found the family in Russia. It was so nice to see someone refer to his diary on the net.

:) , and i look forward to enjoy the richness of this forum. I hope i can contribute whit some to.

Grandson of Ivan Sukhovilov (life whitout the Tzar)


Thanks for the compliment and glad that I could help you out. If you wish to furnish any other details as to your family background and their emigre life in Norway (e.g. what happened during 1940 to 1945)that might be of interest to others as well.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear John

My grandfather died in 1944, not by the Germans, and not by the gvpu/nkvd. he died quietly in his bed by wounds of the first war. His lungs was not well. (Gas ww1 i think). He had to report to the Gestapo during the first 2 years of the war, then they lost interest of him, probably because he was a nationalist/tsarist. in 1944 there was some prominent pea pole in his home, burning all his papers, there are some rumors from his son, that he have some papers making him judge of life and death in the tsarist system. I have been working on this issue for 7 years, found the Russian family, found a lot of the history about the Orenburg Cossack, Dutov, and my family roots. in his memoirs he talk about the ship Canada,= the earl grey,= the Feodor litke. It is likely that the Norwegian government did hide something (during Movinkel), or my grandfather is not remembering right, (2years). I am working on it today. He made a writing whit a ship whit to chimneys, that is the Kozma minin, so he might been on the Lomosow , ok, this is probably a lot of my thought, can you specify what you want to know/talk about ?

History regards


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  • 4 years later...

Hi John,

just tried to send you a PM but it won't take because, I suspect, your inbox may be full. Can you shoot me a PM as I'd like toask your advice about some very specfic units at specific times between 1914 and 1918.

I'm especially interested in Ussuri Cossack cavalry regiment (was there more than one?) from February 1917 - February 1918 and the registration, instruction and graduation of Cadets at Orenburg Military College.



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  • 3 weeks later...

"Austria-Hungary's Last War 1914-1918" the Austro-Hungarian official history is online it does have OOBs and maps and might help id the Russian unit you need. This was mentined on this section awhile back.

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There is a site marksrussianmilitaryhistroy.info that has a lot of information on the Russian military its a little weak in WW I but does give a start of the war OOB and has a section on which corps were assigned to which army and when.

Nafzigler does give OOB information on battles from 1618 to 1945

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