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MM & Bar citation sought


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Does anyone have any background information on the MM & the Bar awards made to my Grandad's cousin, Cpl Alfred Edgington in July 16 and March 18 please.

I have a photo of him in hospital during WW1.




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The citations have not survived. Unless previously researched your best bet is the local newspaper. If you posted the year it may help :)


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Thanks Ken,

Do you mean that the MM citations for the 22nd Londons are lost.

I have his WO363 Burnt docs that say he was awarded MM on 29th July 1916, presumably for action 3 months earlier ?

He arrived in France on 1.1.16 and remained there until 12.17 nearly 2 years.

He seems to have go the Bar in September 18 again presumably for an action earlier in the year.

If anyone has a 22nd London history - doe he get a mention and any clue as to what he won his gallantries for ?


and thanks


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I've got the Battalion war diary on disc and am trawling backwards from the end of July. Bear with me as each page has its own attachment and they are all muddled up and unnanmed. Meaning I have to open each one to view the date.

So far I've found him mentioned in the entry for the 10th June 1916. It states he was awarded the Military Medal for services rendered on the 23rd/24th May 1916. A number of awards were given for these dates - 2 x MC's, 2 x DCM's & 6 MM's.


EDIT - Found the entry for the said dates... I'll type it out and post it when I can.

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Hi peter

The action referred to in May 16 was Vimy Ridge; there is an account of this in the 47 Division History; his bar was almost certainly awarded for Bourlon Wood Dec 17; I have done a fair bit on MMs to London Divisions cross referencing various unit histories etc; didnt manage to find 1917 bar gazette date but MM gazetted in August 16



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didnt manage to find 1917 bar gazette date but MM gazetted in August 16

Bar Gazetted LG#30573, 13th March 1918. Link is http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/305...upplements/3224

683431 Cpl. A. Edgington, M.M., Lond. R. (Islington).

(M.M. gazetted 10th August, 1916.)



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Thanks Steve; that date confirms bar awarded for Cambrai since it is the date most heavily associated with London Regt MM awards. 47 Div sent in the recommendation mid December.


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Ken, Chris, Steve and Neil,

Thanks very much for your help on this.

My recent family history spade work on ancestry.co.uk is connecting me with all manner of distant cousins and revealing several male cousins of my grandfather, who were the right age for WW1 service. Couldn't believe it when I found a blood relative who actually got an MM & bar. I will be notifying my new cousins in due course.



Nb - Hi Chris - hope you're well - how's book no. 2 coming ?


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This is from the war diary.

On the 22nd May they received orders that their counter-attack had been postponed until the following day. They moved to MAISTRE and BAJOLLE lines.

Dispotition for attack -

BAJOLLE Line - Bombers

MAISTRE - Rest of Battalion (??? & ???)

Point G - HQ and Signals

In position 1.15am - 23rd.


COUNTER ATTACK - Btn ordered to carry stores, consolidate and reinforce 21st btn and 24th btn attacking respectfully on Left and Right of ERSATZ Trench. Southern Boundary of Brigade attack GRANBY Trench.

OBJECTIVE - Forward British front line lost on 21st.

DISPOTITION - A & B companys under Capt Mayhew were allotted to 21st btn. C & D companys, Capt House, to 24th

6.05pm - Btn clear of MAISTRE Line

6.30pm - Bombers sent to reinforce 21st btn bombers

8.25pm - Infantry attack launched...Objective could not be held and consolidation was started on old front line which had served as jumping off place. Stores detailed were successfully carried but several casualties occured particularly in A. coy through hostile barrage fire.


2am - Capt House's party relieved companys of 24th btn in front line.

2.10am - Lewis guns sent to 21st btn.

4.30am - Part of 21st btn front line relieved by Capt Mayhew's party.

6.45am - 21st btn relieved by 23rd btn who had moved into BAJOLLE and MAISTRE lines.

Casualties - Officers wounded 3, other ranks killed 3, wounded 42, wounded at duty 4.

Remainder of day quiet.

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