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11th Battalion Durham Light Infantry


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Place Year Date Details

As 11th (Service) Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry (Pioneers), 1914 - 1918

UK 1914 09 Formed at Newcastle

UK 1914 11/31 Pirbright

UK 1915 02 North Chapel

UK 1915 02 Witley

UK 1915 03/26 Larkhill

UK 1915 07/20 Left Southampton

France 1915 07/21 Arrived Le Havre and marched to Rest Camp

France 1915 07/23 Left Rest Camp and entrained for St. Omer. Marched to Esquerdes and billeted in


France 1915 07/28 Marched to Lynde

France 1915 07/29 Marched to Merris

France 1915 07/30 A and B Companies marched to La Rue du Bois for pioneer work on roads and

clearing ditches.

France 1915 08/03 C Company left for Fleurbaix

France 1915 08/05 D Company and Headquarters marched to La Rue due Bois

France 1915 08/06 A and B Companies marched to Fleurbaix. D Company making hurdles in wood at

La Motte

France 1915 09/20 At Estaires

France 1915 11/01 Billeted at Rue de Paradis

France 1915 11/07 Billeted at Epinette and La Funrue Farm

France 1915 11/14 Moved into billets at Laventie East

France 1915 11/21 Church parade at Estaires

France 1915 11/26 Moved to billets at Rue de Bruges

France 1916 01/09 B Company left Rue de Bruges and marched to La Motte

France 1916 01/10 A Company left Rue de Biache billets and marched to Rue de Bruges

France 1916 01/11 C and D Companies rejoined Headquarters at Rue de Bruges

France 1916 01/12 Battalion (less B Company) left Rue de Bruges, passed Sailly Bridge and marched

via Doulieu, Bleu, Vieux Berquin to Sec Bois

Belgium 1916 01/13 Battalion marched via La Motte, Papote and Morbecque to Min Fontaine

Belgium 1916 01/22 Battalion marched to Zermezeele via Wallon Cappel

Belgium 1916 01/23 B Company rejoined Battalion from La Motte

Belgium 1916 02/11 B and D Companies marched to Elverdinghe Chateau

Belgium 1916 02/12 A and C Companies and Headquarters moved to Elverdinghe Chateau

Belgium 1916 04/16 A and C Companies and Headquarters marched to Oudezeele, north of Cassel

Belgium 1916 04/17 B and D Companies marched to Oudezeele

Belgium 1916 05/20 Marched to Brandhoek

Belgium 1916 05/24 C Company proceeded to billets (cellars) in Ypres

Belgium 1916 06/02 Train for working parties leaves Brandhoek nightly at 8.30 p.m. for Ypres and

returns at 1.15 a.m.

Belgium 1916 07/14 All Companies now in billets at Brandhoek

Belgium 1916 07/16 Battalion moved by train to Winnezeele

Belgium 1916 07/19 Left Winnezeele and arrived at M Camp

France 1916 07/20 Moved to 24 Divisional School, three miles east of Ballieul

France 1916 07/23 Arrived St. Sylvestre Capel

France 1916 07/25 Marched to Bavinchove Station. Entrained for Doullens

France 1916 07/26 Marched to Couin

France 1916 07/28 Moved to Camp Dell

France 1916 08/16 Battalion marched to Orville

France 1916 08/18 Battalion marched to Berneuil

France 1916 08/20 Battalion marched to Candas Station. Entrained to Morlancourt. Marched from

Morlancourt to the Citadel between Fricourt and Bray

France 1916 08/22 Moved into bivouacs near Carnoy

France 1916 08/23 Moved into old German front line

France 1916 09/03 D Company moved to Guillemont

France 1916 09/04 Battalion at Craters

France 1916 09/07 Battalion marched to Bois de Tailles and all ranks slept in a field as there were no


France 1916 09/08 Battalion marched to Mericourt

France 1916 09/12 Battalion marched to Sand Pit Valley

France 1916 09/14 Battalion marched to Citadel

France 1916 09/15 Battalion marched to Talus Bois, east of Carnoy

France 1916 09/17 Battalion marched to Bernafay Wood, accommodated in trenches and a few


France 1916 09/18 Four Companies employed making assembly trenches west of LesBouefs

France 1916 09/20 Battalion marched out to Sand Pits

France 1916 09/22 Battalion marched to billets in Meaulte

France 1916 09/26 At Maltz Horn Valley

France 1916 09/27 Battalion marched to Talus Bois

France 1916 09/29 Marched to a camp near Trones Wood

France 1916 09/30 Moved to Waterlot Farm

France 1916 10/01 At Tatler Trench

France 1916 10/08 C Company marched to Waterlot Farm and then to billets in Meaulte. B and D

Companies moved to Waterlot Farm

France 1916 10/09 Headquarters and two Companies marched to billets in Meaulte.

France 1916 10/15 Headquarters and three Companies marched out for billets in Ville. On arrival no

billets were vacant. Marched to Treux

France 1916 10/16 Marched to Ville

France 1916 10/18 Marched to Citadel

France 1916 11/01 Entrained at Edgehill railhead for Saileux

France 1916 11/02 Battalion marched from Saileux to Bourdon on the River Somme

France 1916 11/08 Battalion marched to Picquigny

France 1916 11/16 Battalion enbussed for Corbie

France 1916 11/25 Battalion moved to the Citadel at Carnoy

France 1916 11/26 Moved to Montauban

France 1916 12/30 Battalion entrained for Grovetown then marched to Ville

France 1917 01/03 Battalion left Ville at 8.30 a.m. in motor lorries. A, C, and D Companies debussed

at Trones Wood and marched to Wedge Wood.. B Company bussed to Combles.

France 1917 01/28 Battalion moved to Mansel Camp

France 1917 01/29 Moved to Meaulte

France 1917 02/08 Battalion marched from Meaulte. A Company marched to Guillemont.

Headquarters, Transport, B, C and D Companies marched to Montauban.

France 1917 03/25 Battalion moved to Le Transloy

France 1917 04/01 Battalion Headquarters moved to Bus

France 1917 04/27 Battalion Headquarterts moved to Ytres

France 1917 05/01 Battalion Headquarters and three Companies at Ytres. One Company at Bus.

Transport at Bertincourt

France 1917 05/13 Battalion Headquarters moved to Havrincourt Wood. C Company moved to


France 1917 05/21 Battalion moved to Ytres. C Company returned from Gouzeaucourt.

France 1917 05/22 Battalion moved from Ytres to Bancourt.

France 1917 05/31 Battalion Headquarters moved to Vaulx-Vraucourt

France 1917 06/01 Battalion Headquarters and two Companies at Vaulx. One Company at Vaulx-

Vraucourt. One Company at Death Valley.

France 1917 06/30 Battalion moved to Domart

France 1917 07/19 Battalion proceeded by march route to Doullens

France 1917 07/20 Train left Doullens for Hopoutre. Marched to camp at Proven.

Belgium 1917 07/30 Battalion less one Company moved to ‘G’ Camp

Belgium 1917 08/19 Left Elverdinghe for the vicinity of Proven. Marched to Seaton Camp

Belgium 1917 09/09 Battalion Headquarters, A, B and D Companies proceeded by march route to

International Corner and there entrained for Elverdinghe. On arrival Companies

marched to Canal Bank

Belgium 1917 28/9 A, B and C companies with Headquarters were relieved in the Canal Bank.

Marched to Elverdinghe Station and thus entrained for International Corner Station Companies marched to Seaton Camp.

France 1917 10/01 ‘A’ Company marched to Hopoutre Station and there entrained for Bapaume.

France 1917 10/02 Three Companies, Headquarters and Transport proceeded to Hopoutre and

entrained for Bapaume

France 1917 10/03 Marched to Barastre.

France 1917 10/05 Battalion with Transport marched to Ytres

France 1917 10/06 Battalion with Transport proceeded to Pioneer Camp at W.3.C.

France 1917 10/30 B and D Companies in the Hindenburg Support Line. ‘A’ Company in shelters in

the railway cutting at Viller Plouich. Headquarters and C Company in shelters in a

sunken road in Gouzeacourt

France 1917 11 Month devoted to repair of roads forward from Gouzeaucourt

France 1917 12/03 Billeted at Fins

France 1917 12/04 Battalion marched to billets at Sorel.

France 1917 12/08 Battalion with transport entrained at Fins and proceeded to Hesden.

France 1917 12/09 Battalion arrived at Hesden and marched to Billets at Bouin-Aubyn St. Vast and

Ecquemicourt. Headquarters established at Ecquemicourt.

France 1917 12/11 Battalion proceeded by motor bus to Wardrecques some miles south-east of

St. Omer.

Belgium 1917 12/16 Battalion marched to Ebblinghem and entrained for Dickebusch

Belgium 1918 01/05 Battalion at Zillebeke Bund.

Belgium 1918 02/17 Battalion marched to Dickebusch and entrained for Ebblinghem then to


Belgium 1918 02/21 Battalion proceeded to Steenbecque Station and entrained for Nesle

France 1918 02/22 After detraining at Nesle Companies proceeded to billets in Muille Villette and


France 1918 02/24 Billets at Muille Villette vacated. C Company broken up and the men posted to the

other Companies. Battalion reorganised as a three company Battalion

France 1918 02/27 Work began on the Ham-Noyens Railway

France 1918 03/01 At Golancourt. Three Companies at work on Ham-Noyens Railway.

France 1918 03/14 'A' Company moved to Voyennes on the Somme Canal

France 1918 03/21 Headquarters and ‘D’ Company billeted at Golancourt. ‘A’ Company at Voyennes.

‘B’ Company in quarries in J.35.C.

France 1918 03/26 At Le Quesnel and proceeded to Arvillers

France 1918 03/28 Marched from Fresnoy to a wood behind Mezieres

France 1918 03/29 Battalion ordered to take up a line between Thiennes and Hourges.

France 1918 04/01 Battalion in the line south of Thennes. At 7 p.m. the Battalion proceeded to the

main Amiens road and there embusssed for Quevauvillers

France 1918 04/07 Battalion marched to Lincheux

France 1918 04/10 Battalion marched to Huppy

France 1918 04/11 Battalion marched to Rieux

France 1918 04/18 The Battalion proceeded by motor bus to Savy and then proceeded to Frevillers

France 1918 05/02 Marched to Canada Camp, Chateau de la Haie, west of Ablain-S. Nazaire

France 1918 05/04 ‘A’ and ‘B’ Companies proceeded to billets at Lievin. Headquarters with ‘D’

Company proceeded to Ratata Camp, Carency

France 1918 10/06 Battalion with Transport moved by route march to Estree Cauchie

France 1918 10/30 Battalion with Transport marched to Tincques abd bivouaced for the night.

France 1918 10/31 Battalion entrained at Tincques Station for Fremicourt. Proceeded to Cambrai.

France 1918 11/03 Marched to billets at Rieux.

France 1918 11/04 Marched to Montrecourt.

France 1918 11/07 Marched to Sepmeries.

France 1918 11/08 Marched to Jenlain

France 1918 11/09 Battalion marched to St. Waast-la-Vallee

France 1918 11/11 Marched to Feignies, NW of Maubeuge

France 1918 11/23 Battalion proceeded to Le Pissotiau. Headquarters at Chateau Rametz

France 1918 11/24 Battalion left for Maresches

France 1918 11/25 Battalion marched to St. Aubert

France 1918 11/27 Battalion marched to Cambrai

France 1918 12/02 Three Companies and Battalion Headquarters proceeded by motor bus and lorry to


France 1918 12/04 ‘B’ Company proceeded on detachment to Pas.

France 1918 12/06 ‘D’ Company proceeded to new billets at Halloy

France 1918 12/09 ‘A’ Company and Battalion Headquarters moved to new billets at Grenas.

France 1918 12/12 ‘B’ Company moved into billets at Grenas.

France 1919 01/01 At Grenas

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I keep coming back to this list as it is helping me in transcribing the WD of 11th Bn Rifle Brigade. Thank you for posting it

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