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3695 Harry Percy Walker

Ice Tiger

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I have been askes by new member junea to assist with posting some photo's for her. there are 5 photos but I shall have to split the post to upload them all

She is looking for assistance in identifying some photo's her grandfather left, and in her email she states "My grandfather was 3695 Harry Percy Walker 11th Batt AIF he was in the 12th Reinforcement he left Fremantle in November 1915".

"There is nothing written on the back of the photos and the first 2 are of groups of soldier’s looks like they are in a cold climate see trees in back ground. I have no idea why my grandfather keep these 2 photos I think that they may come from a Scottish regiment because of the tartan. My grandfather family has no connection that I aware of to Scotland".



3rd photo I think this may have been taken in a POW camp, my grandfather was taken a POW and spent nearly 18 months is several different camps



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Part 2

4th photo this is a real mystery I know that he is an officer in the Kings Own Scottish Borderers but nothing else. The really interesting part is that the photo was taken in Oxford. My grandfather family came from Oxford.


Photo 5 Pro Patria a monument but I wonder where?


These are the only photo's junea emailed to me and I do not have any in higher resolution. Please contact junea should you have any questions

Now over to you guys & girls to help her out :)


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Can the monument one be blown up to read the writing ?


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Is there a fairly wide variety of uniforms in photo #1? They look to be posing with a Colour Guard, but is looks a "pose" I associate with "Dissenters" or Cameronians (humble apologies if I cause anyone mortal offence by mistake!).

They look to be in front of a ploughed field, not wheel ruts, and not a flat field or parade area, so why take the photo there?

Photo 2 looks to be the hofficers from photo 1, or at least the "senior" ones?

Photo 3, looks a good call, variety of uniforms and no "real" women..

Photo 4 you have more info than I can discern,

Photo 5: There seems to be a large amount of text (more likely Names) but only 5 graves visible beside the "Pro Patria" Monument. It looks to be relating to the Monument (not a Church or Parish Notice Board) and the building behind is either new or freshly white washed. The roof tiles look very "modern" for immediately post WW1, maybe there is something in that to help identify location.... look to be pine trees in the background, but the "crazy paving" plinth might help? The unusual headstones might also be indicative of a Country or Region "style" - French?

I think you'd better wait for an expert to come along....

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Sorry the resolution is as sent to me - Hopefully junea can provide a larger resolution copy for those willing to assist.

I would suggest that she sends you a pm


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Can the monument one be blown up to read the writing ?


Hello Grant,

I can send you a scanned copy of the photo by email. I will PM you


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