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Yanks in Russia


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No doubt the salt mines were a bit (further) west. :lol:

Majority of Russian Salt comes from around the Caspian. Solotvyno in the Ukraine was also a major site of salt mines. Other mines were in Poland

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A description of the participation of the 27th U.S. Infantry Regiment in the Siberian intervention, in which it earned the nickname "Wolfhounds," can be read by clicking here.

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I stand corrected - some did get as far as Siberia proper after all!

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One of the main sources of information on the American Siberian intervention is the book written by its commanding officer, Maj. Gen. William S. Graves. The book is America's Siberian Adventure, 1918-1920, William S. Graves, Jonathan Cape & Harrison Smith, New York, 1931, 366 pp. A biographical sketch of Gen. Graves can be read by clicking here.

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I should have also mentioned Perry Moore's Stamping Out the Virus, ISBN 0 7643 1625 7, a well-detailed account of Allied Intervention in the Civil War. It's packed full of facts and figures, but reading it is very hard going.


A dreadful book. Full of useful detail, yes - but you have to work hard to tie it together - badly written, appallingly organised and nearly unreadable. It feels like lots of inchoate thoughts strung together.

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A dreadful book. Full of useful detail, yes - but you have to work hard to tie it together - badly written, appallingly organised and nearly unreadable. It feels like lots of inchoate thoughts strung together.

I'm pleased to know that it wasn't just me who found it pretty near unreadable.


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It now transpires that American POWs of the Bolsheviks were Officially listed as Dead,even though the American Military and Politicos knew that these men were in reality alive and were being held in work Camps.Lenin wanted to use these men as bargaining Chips in an attempt to get America to recognise the Bolshevik Govt.Roosevelt refused to be blackmailed by Lenin,and so the Americans remained in the Work Camps until their Deaths.The Files on these men were still classified as Secret well in to the 1990s.

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It now transpires that American POWs of the Bolsheviks were Officially listed as Dead,even though the American Military and Politicos knew that these men were in reality alive and were being held in work Camps.Lenin wanted to use these men as bargaining Chips in an attempt to get America to recognise the Bolshevik Govt.Roosevelt refused to be blackmailed by Lenin,and so the Americans remained in the Work Camps until their Deaths.The Files on these men were still classified as Secret well in to the 1990s.

Lenin was long dead by the time Roosevelt became president. Roosevelt was the first US president to recognise the Soviet Union (Nov 1933) A touch of conspiracy theory maybe?

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Good Morning Centurion.Not a conspiracy theory,i just happened to stumble across a Programme on the Military Channel Entitled "Missing in Action" and the researchers presented their findings on the WW1 American POWs,which they had obtained by using the Freedom of Information Act in the USA,and through viewing Files held on these men in the Russian Archives.Also a lot of interesting material on Allied POWs from WW2 and Korea who eventually ended up as Prisoners of the Russians,and whose relatives/NOK were subsquently informed by their Govts that their Sons/Husbands were either KIA or Simply Missing.If the programme is shown again try and watch it.Interesting Stuff.

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But on the basis of what you've quoted highly inaccurate given that there could be no case of Roosevelt being blackmailed by Lenin (unless through a medium). And if Roosevelt recognised the Soviet Union (by then led by Stalin) almost as soon as he became president, no reason for holding prisoners.

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The Fact remains that none of these American POWs ever returned Home after being written off by their Govt.

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This Official U.S.Govt Document makes for very interesting reading regarding American POWs Held by the Bolsheviks in WW1.I trust in its apparent accuracy.


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The Fact remains that none of these American POWs ever returned Home after being written off by their Govt.

All I get is a Mk V tank in Russia!

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This Official U.S.Govt Document makes for very interesting reading regarding American POWs Held by the Bolsheviks in WW1.I trust in its apparent accuracy.


We've seen this before - unfortunately it proves very little. Apart from one possible sighting that cannot be verified there is nothing in here to prove that any prisoners were retained after the release during the Harding presidency. One notes that the whole report was produced by a minority committee with a political axe to grind.

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Ok,lets see some Photos of the Happy American POWs being returned Home to the Bosoms of their Families long after the Families were told that their Menfolk were Dead,maybe a few Newspaper Articles if possible ?..If you thoroughly read the Report by the Senate Commitee,you would have noted in the Section relating to the AEF POws of the Russians that "There were Hundreds of Eye witness accounts " regarding Allied Soldiers being Held by the Bolsheviks.I am also interested in your comment that "We have seen this all before"..and "A political Party with an Axe to Grind"...i was led to believe that the Report was commissioned by the Senate Committe and not a fringe Politaclal Party with an Axe to grind.

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